May 7, 2020 Harvest

The tomatoes and some of the peas were great. The radish, beet, and beet greens were fine. Some of the peas and corn were picked a bit late but still fun to try. For some reason we didn’t like the green beans, but maybe I cooked them wrong. Anyway, it was fun — we don’t have any trouble keeping ourselves amused.

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14 Responses to May 7, 2020 Harvest

  1. Rose says:

    It is a good thing small things make us happy…and it is the small things that mean the most, most of the time.

  2. The OP Pack says:

    Oh, those veggies would make our Mom so happy. She loves beets with lots of butter and salt and pepper, and oh those greens would just melt in her mouth.

    Have a good weekend.

    Woos, Lightning and Timber

  3. I love eating raw young green beans

    awesome harvest though…

  4. Ann Thompson says:

    Green beans were always one of my favorite things from the garden.

  5. MadSnapper says:

    great job on growing them, eating them and photographing them for us… been many years since i had straight from the garden to the table veggies

  6. Raw green beans are a favorite of my dog. He begs at the refrigerator every night for his 4-5 ration. Frozen, fresh doesn’t matter he loves them all. I will occasionally eat them raw with a dip.

  7. nick says:

    A very impressive haul. At this rate, you’ll soon be self-sufficient in vegetables!

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