I Can Relate to This Bird

Yes, I too am an underachiever, and I love it.

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19 Responses to I Can Relate to This Bird

  1. tammy j says:

    yup. another fan of underachievers. it comes with no ulcers. lol.

    • Jean says:

      Do you sleep in? I almost never have to set the alarm. If that isn’t heaven, I don’t know what is. 🙂

  2. MadSnapper says:

    thanks for the SMILES out loud… we don’t have alarm clocks, we both are early risers and just wake up each morning at the same time. sleeping IN is making it to 4:10 am

    • Rose says:

      Sometimes I go to bed and think, Sandra will be up in another hour! No joke. I don’t stay up till 3:00 very often now…I am trying to do better about going to bed earlier. If I go by 1:00 I am doing good, but I would love to get to bed by midnight.

    • Jean says:

      I was thinking the same thing. I plan to get to bed by 12:30, but it seldom works. I get involved and am lucky if I make it by 1:30. Last night it was unusually late — about 3, but mostly I”m better than that. 🙂

      I still get plenty of sleep and feel great, which is the main thing.

  3. Ann Thompson says:

    LOL, love it. That does make perfect sense too.

  4. nick says:

    I’ve never understood that one. Do worms generally surface early in the morning? I’m also an under-achiever if I’m defined in terms of worldly success, but in terms of enjoyment and creativity, I’m definitely an over-achiever.

    • Jean says:

      I’ve always been growth-oriented but like you never interested in what society calls achievements. It. makes for a happy life.

  5. The OP Pack says:

    BOL – that’s a good one. Mom is a morning person, but that probably has a lot to do with our wanting to greet the birds when they first start tweeting.

    Woos, Lightning and Timber

  6. Linda Sand says:

    That’s me! I’m a night owl so I usually sleep from 2 or 3 am to 11 am or noon. I don’t feel like I miss out on anything by living my own hours. In fact, since Dave sleeps more normal hours, we each get our own quiet time and space in this tiny apartment which we appreciate. Don’t get me wrong; we like each other’s company and enjoy sharing activities afternoons and evenings but having quiet time is also good.

    • Jean says:

      Andy and I have parallel play. He goes up to the land every day and I play down here. Then we have the late afternoon and evening together. That means we have more to share.

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