Greenhouse Update

Andy has been busy working on clearing the defensible space, so he hasn’t had much time for the greenhouse lately. He says the beets are just sitting there now, not growing, and the corn is past, of course. But we did feast on tomatoes a few weeks ago:

And it looks as if we might get a few squash.

There is a lot going on up there!

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14 Responses to Greenhouse Update

  1. The OP Pack says:

    Those tomatoes look great. We have one tomato plant in a Smart Pot on our deck. It finally has some flowers, but no tomatoes yet. Mom says it is getting too late for them to grow and ripen properly:(

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

    • Jean says:

      We couldn’t grow tomatoes here without a greenhouse. Well, we did grow some in our outside garden years ago… but we mostly picked them green towards the end of the season and ripened them inside our apartment. I remember one picture of me wearing my arctic parka holding up one red tomato. That was worth documenting. 🙂

  2. great to hear that the greenhouse, is still providing you with treats. But then also the other dead wood is for sure important…

  3. Ann Thompson says:

    To me, there’s nothing quite like a fresh home grown tomato.

  4. Madsnapper says:

    My daddy used to grow squash plants just like those and I would be as tall as my head when I was like eight and 10 years old and weighs high on him and my job was to go through and pick the yellow squash and then washed them up and help cut them up so Mama could can them. The tomatoes look delicious

  5. Andrea says:

    I love those little cherry tomatoes so much! I’d always tell Dan I was headed out to the garden “to eat breakfast” because I’d just pluck those little orbs off the vines and pop them into my mouth. We didn’t plant anything new this year, veggies or flowers, because we never wanted to go buy anything due to the virus… and, to be honest, I got tired of having to check my tomato plants twice daily for worms and then plucking them off. So I’m just nurturing what I’ve already got and it was quite liberating this year. Love, Andrea XOXO

    • Jean says:

      Cherry tomatoes are my favorites, too. Years ago when Kaitlin was little and we lived in Ithaca. I grew some in a pot on the roof. When the cold weather came I brought it down into the apartment. I was opening a can of stewed tomatoes on night and asked Kaitlin if she wanted some tomato. She said, please, and ran into the other room and came back with one from the plant. She was little, but she knew her tomatoes. 🙂

  6. Rose says:

    I would love a fresh tomato right now! All this has been fun for all of us to watch.

  7. tammy j says:

    bravo little greenhouse! how wonderful and delicious and satisfying! xo

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