There’s Always a First Time

A month ago we had a lot of apples on the yellow transparent and Cortland apple trees.

June 28, 2020 Yellow Transparent Apples

June 28, 2020 Yellow Transparent Apples (zoomed)

June 28, 2020 Cortland Apples

June 28, 2020 Cortland Apples (zoomed)

Andy picked one of each to see how they were coming…still a bit green so we thought we would wait.

Notice there are no nets around the trees. We needed them around our cherry trees, but had never needed them around the apples.

There’s always a first time. Last week all the apples down there had disappeared. He now has a net around the yellow transparent apples in our greenhouse area.

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30 Responses to There’s Always a First Time

  1. Bruce Taylor says:

    Deer get ’em? Or bears?

    • Jean says:

      Our chain link fence keeps out the bears and deer. It’s most likely ground squirrels. In fact, Andy saw one inside the net over the cherry tree…it had gotten under the net. A lot of the cherries were gone, and when the squirrel saw Andy it scooted out of there. We’re guessing it will be back.

  2. Rose says:

    Oh, that is just too bad…I hope some survive. Cortland makes great apple crisps!

  3. Lots of fun and games with wildlife have your number. LOL

  4. Your apples are beautiful, I hope you get to enjoy them! When I was in Tennessee, there was an apple tree next to the deck on the cabin. The squirrels, a Mom opossum, and horses and donkeys were doing a great job polishing off those apples. I would have helped them, if they’d been prettier! 🙂 !

  5. The OP Pack says:

    Those pesky squirrels drive us nuts here too. They like to hang out in the big tree right next to our deck, then they come down and eat Mom’s flowers!!! Who would think squirrels would like pentas and lantana!!! They have been caught red-pawed by US!!!

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  6. good grief, pesky squirrels, so glad they aren’t here!

  7. Ginny Hartzler says:

    I have never heard of or seen Yellow Transparent apples. Looks like you have a lot of apples now. Beautiful pictures. Here, we celebrate apple days in early fall.

  8. Andrea says:

    I’m so sorry about your apples! 🙁 You mentioned in a comment above, Jean, that you thought it was ground squirrels that got the apples. Northwest Indiana is “apple country”, so to speak, as there are multiple orchards in every county in our area & also up in Michigan. Also, I have a particular affinity for squirrels and have had such for 25+ years now. Only you would know if it was actually squirrels stripping your trees of apples but honestly I doubt it. Even stranger would be if they did it suddenly, over a few days’ time…. unripened apples, to boot. But perhaps the squirrels behave differently where you are. 🙂 Regardless, it’s a shame your apples are all gone. I remember that happening to my beautiful peas one year. They were ready to pick but I decided to wait “just one more day” and sure enough… that night somebody else thought they needed picking AND eating immediately (!) and by morning there wasn’t one left. I think my little “somebody” was a deer…. or two. After I closed my mouth, from the shock of seeing all the peas gone, I gave a chuckle and said out-loud “Next year I’ll leave the butter & salt out for ya!” and went back into the house. *ha-ha* I never grew peas again. In fact, now I buy all my fruits and veggies from the health food store… less work I’ve decided. XOXO

  9. Himawan Sant says:

    Really fruitful your apple garden.

    I was reminded of my vacation on a plantation in the city of Batu, East Java, Indonesia and was allowed to eat as much fruit as I wanted on the place ?.

    Greetings from Indonesia.

    • Jean says:

      Thank you for coming by! Your comment reminds me of when my mother bought a bushel of apples and we could eat as many as we wanted. I still remember that after all these years. I still love fruit. 🙂

  10. Hootin Anni says:

    Deer? I know my sister’s Apple orchard the deer come down from the high country to fill up on apples.

    (Interesting about the covid sniffing dogs….I haven’t heard )

  11. Ann Thompson says:

    I suppose if your first choice of cherries is not available then your second choice of apples will have to do.

  12. Madsnapper says:

    I would think a bear could get over a fence. They climb trees so why not a fence. Anyway it doesn’t really matter who ate the apples they would have been delicious looks like. Now I know why my bag of apples I bought last week was only 378 instead of 599 that’s because apples must be in

    • Jean says:

      So far the chain link fences have kept the bears out. We had them built after a bear broke branches off of some of our trees when it was getting at the fruit.

  13. “Something” just got a hankering for those kind of apples!!!! ~chuckle~

    Oh and I *fear* when I see those necessary fill ins, at the bottom of a comment section. But!!! Oh happy day!!! You have a place to mark, to have my info saved, so I don’t have to fill it all in again, when I make another comment.

    Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!

    This certainly brings your Dear Readers, Joy!!!! ~smile~


    • Jean says:

      Yes, I hate it when I have to fill in information each time. I think I have it set up that once a commenter gets approved they are automatically approved the next time they visit.

  14. Oh mercy, my pretty Sig. Line did not show!

    All that showed, is ???????

    Hmmm… Will try it again!


  15. LOL….


    Your blog does not allow “flowers” and etc.

    Now I know. ~grin~

    Well, just make believe you can see pretty yellow flowers and brown falling leaves, at the end of my comments. Which say “Late Summer” to me. And hopes for Autumn to come, in its time.

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