I love the spectacular colors of early fall, but for some reason I’m also touched by the leaves on the ground when the colors are mostly gone. I have no idea why, it just happens…and it’s a powerful feeling. Does anything like that ever happen to you?

Image by Jan Haerer from Pixabay
At any rate, when I went out today those leaves were blowing in the wind, and it looks as if our recent spate of good weather is leaving for now.
Tranquil weather will come to an end Saturday with unsettled conditions expected through early next week. A series of storm systems will impact northern and central New Mexico, bringing strong winds, rain, thunderstorms, mountain snow, and colder temperatures.
What’s it like where you are?
November 5, 2020
It has been warm and wonderful the last several days here. I’m not sure what the next several days are supposed to be like but I know it won’t be long before it’s getting colder again,.
I hope it lasts for a while for you.
We’ve got warm weather, forecast to stay that way for a while and possibly stay warmer than normal through the winter with La Nina conditions prevailing.
Stay safe!
Enjoy! We could use some precipitation, but it’s nice not having too much snow.
Well, our autumn foliage – which started out so promising – now seems (in the words of a friend), mundane and confused. Absolutely. They still possess a certain beauty.
I think the universe observed my sheer Glee at our 30* lows and decided that just wouldn’t do. Back to the high 70’s. *sigh*
We were surprised our colors were so vibrant this year. It’s unpredictable.
It is like summer here all week. sunny and in the 70’s. But freezing at night. I’m enjoying it while it lasts.
That’s ideal weather…sunny days, cool nights.
I too love the gathering of fallen leaves – even though I’m sad they have fallen … but yesterday as I walked to the hub, I noted that the windy conditions overnight had caused a small gatherings of both new leaves and little twigs and I felt they wouldn’t even have a full season of being part of their parent tree and leaf siblings…
Spring keeps flipping around here…crazy pattern/s!
It keeps us on our toes!
I actually love the brown tones of late fall.
I do too, and there’s something about leaves on the ground….
The browns and grays of Autumn are just as pretty!! I agree. Our weather is sunny to partly cloudy …lows in mid 60s highs around 75-80°
We like it cooler than that, but it’s still great weather for this time of year. 🙂
our weather is breaking November heat records, and has been since March, breaking heat records and now their is a hurricane headed this way. so pretty much like yours, but hot not cold. leaves in our yard cause a lot of problems, they blow in the pool and sink and have to be dipped out.. we don’t have a leaf problem except for the avocado tree. if we had 2000.00 the tree would be gone
Oh, I have warm feelings for that tree, but I didn’t understand the problems it causes, Good luck with the heat and hurricanes!
What a beautiful photo! We are having rain today and we can definitely use it. It has turned cold too. I’m in Southern California.
I was born and raised in the Bay Area…I don’t know about now, but the weather used to be great there.
I love those leaves on the ground, too. It brings back memories of kicking through them when walking and jumping into piles of them after someone raked them. We are having highs in the 70s which is not usual for this time of year but it is supposed to start dropping Monday with a high of 36° Tuesday. So, is it summer or winter here?
Typical autumn, I would say. Indian summer comes and goes here.
Warm, breezy, and very sunny!!! 70s – great walking weather!!!
It’s breaking records here
Last Thursday and through Monday it’s in the low 70’s
I’ve been working outside, trying to finish outdoor projects.
I moved a gate and I’ve painted my front security door.
I’ve been moving in slow motion and sitting down a lot.
I plan on painted my steps, redoing the mailbox and making a sign with my house numbers. I haven’t had house numbers on the house for years and years but the UPS man and the post lady still find my house!
Still, I thought that I need to get them up there.
Tuesday is predicted wind, some rain and dropping temps.
I feel sad for the dried out faded leaves…
I like them colorful on the trees, blocking my sight of the neighbors.
You make me tired just reading about all the work you’re doing. Take care!
Oh, yes! I love the fallen leaves, too. And I so wish I was quick to get down on my belly till I could take a photo of them when the wind blows them down the street like a herd of wild horses. I just love it so wish I could capture it on film. But my knees won’t let me do anything like that quickly.
I don’t do anything very quickly nowadays. 😀 Doing the best we can with what we have left.