COVID in Our County

New Mexico has a site where we can track the number of COVID cases, the number of people tested, and the number of deaths so we can see what’s going on. We can also look to see what is going on in each county.

This is the graph of the number of cases in our county by date:

And this is the age distribution:

By today we have 76 cases out of 7086 people tested, and no deaths. We’re still not a hot spot, but we’ll have to see how it goes. We do appreciate the information.

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22 Responses to COVID in Our County

  1. Ginny Hartzler says:

    It is not getting better in any state. This is a sad and frightening time for sure. We don’t even see our friends or family anymore because of it.

  2. We’re going back up again. One of my friends started a Facebook thread today asking how many covid-19 we have personally seen in our families and friends. She got 36 replied and everyone knows at least 5 who got the virus and recovered, many had also known someone who’d died. One person knew 15 and 3 who have died. I personally know 6 people who got the virus and 8 people who are in quarantine.

  3. It’s easy to find updates here, web pages about covid through to f/b pages with similar information. Along with staff videos on the matter…via different media. Which also incorporate questions from the reporters. Some of whom, we got mightily tired of during our Level 4 restrictions – asking the most ridiculous questions!

  4. MadSnapper says:

    Texas is a real hotspot right now, 1 million cases.. El Paso is rampant with it. they are bringing in mobile morgues there. this is a serious virus, no matter who says it is not…. you live in a great place, to have so few.

    • Jean says:

      I’ve read about poor El Paso…what are your rules about wearing masks there? Here in town people so far are good in the supermarkets, which is a relief.

  5. Ann Thompson says:

    I’ve been reading that the numbers are rising in my county. Up until about a month ago I hadn’t heard of anyone around here who had gotten it. Then we had 2 people who were off because they had been in contact with someone who tested positive. I think both of them tested negative as one has returned and one is released to return next week.

    • Jean says:

      I’m glad they took it seriously and that they tested negative. It’s so easy for the virus to start spreading. You, especially, we want to keep safe!

  6. Rose says:

    Our daughter’s friend felt sure she had it…she tested negative but she is a nurse and still stayed isolated. She is a nurse and dealt with a lot of cases. But that is not where she got it…she got it when she had to go out of state to a funeral.

    And my nephew tested positive…

  7. Myra Guca says:

    What a neat resource! Awareness is key, and I’m concerned some people have become complacent. Even my own granddaughter-the-social-butterfly could contract it and not exhibit any symptoms — but pass it on to us old folks.

  8. Linda Sand says:

    Our county’s numbers are meaningless to me because the whole city of Minneapolis is included. I found a site that showed me by zip code and that was much less scary. But now we have had several people test positive in our apartment complex so I am firmly holed up inside. As to actually knowing people who got sick–one. He had a very bad case but is home from the hospital now and doing well.

    • Jean says:

      So far we don’t know anyone who has gotten sick, but the neighbors downstairs tend to have little parties, some of them outside at the bottom of our stairs. We try to be polite, but we also do our best to keep our distance just in case.

  9. We (NYS) are hot.

    Annnnnd, we locally “live with” a college… Where the rich kids think they can flaunt rules.


  10. The OP Pack says:

    We are doing very poorly here in Johnson Country. We have been averaging 400 cases a day for about a week now. Our positivity rate is 14.9%. And every day there is at least one or two new deaths. Our hospitals are filling up too. We are hoping to see an improvement, but with Thanksgiving just around the corner, who knows what will happen. We just keep doing what we are supposed to do and wish everyone else would too.

  11. I’m glad you are not in a hot spot.

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