So Much for That Idea

Just last month I said,

It’s almost February, so even if it snows the sun will come out the next day and melt it.

Yeah sure. Here’s what it looked like yesterday:

And here’s what it looked like today:

It’s not that we’ve been getting much snow…it’s just that the sun hasn’t come out to melt it. It’s time to question our assumptions, and maybe plan accordingly.

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24 Responses to So Much for That Idea

  1. The OP Pack says:

    We finally got some sun today and it felt good. It didn’t melt much, but it was just so good to see it shining.

  2. tammy j says:

    true. we had sun too. but it was so cold… no major melting.
    but still. it was good for everyone’s Spirit! and finally less wind.
    we had a good 7 inches or more. people were getting stuck everywhere.
    they cleared the roads but no drives… like into apts and neighborhoods.
    Michael helped get two drivers unstuck on his way to pick me up!
    get my second shot in the morning. bought groceries today. it’s good.

    • Jean says:

      You had more snow than we had down here, I think. I didn’t go out in it, there’s no rush. πŸ™‚ We’re supposed to get some sun tomorrow.

  3. Rose says:

    We got about 3 more inches last night…thankfully it was still very light and fluffy and easy to shovel. But we did have sun a nost of the day after about 10:00 or so.

  4. SNOWED everywhere it seemed – or if it didn’t the TEMPETURES dropped dramatically – WoW the whole of the USA covered in snow. My art friend Erin in Austin,Texas in a really bad situation due to the way houses are built and what the people normally don’t need for such conditions…and the places that rely on electricity and there are outages every which way!

    Stay safe everyone

    • Jean says:

      It looks as if the worst is over, but Beate and Tim won’t get their power back until tomorrow night. They have a little generator, which has helped a lot.

  5. nick says:

    We had a bit of snow a few days ago but it had all melted by the next morning! The big problem in England is flooding. Lots of people have had their houses flooded several times. But that’s nothing compared to what’s happening in Texas and North Carolina.

  6. Ann Thompson says:

    That’s how it look around here frequently. I hate getting too many of those gray days in a row.

    • Jean says:

      They do tend to get depressing. We lived in Ithaca for 8 1/2 years…the winters there started in late October, often didn’t end until almost May. We would get about 6 days of sunshine in all that time. πŸ™

  7. MadSnapper says:

    every where we go in blogland we are finding SNOW, in PA, which is where bob is from, they have 18 inches on the ground and no sun yet…hope it melts today…. and that this is the last BLAST of winter.

  8. MadSnapper says:

    I agree, life right now, even without snow, we can say it is time to question our assumptions and plan accordling… good advice

  9. Hootin' Anni says:

    As for weather & mother nature…sometimes she has the last laugh & nixes our best laid plans!

    • Jean says:

      The trick is to be flexible. I’m a great planner and agree with the sentiment,

      If Plan A doesn’t work, there are 25 more letters in the alphabet.

  10. Mike Goad says:

    Like most of the rest of the country, we have snow on the ground. We finally got above freezing yesterday for a short timeβ€”the first time in over a week. I can imagine how shocking all of this is to those living in the parts of Texas that don’t see cold weather. The five years I lived down in the greater Houston area, my only jacket was a windbreaker.

  11. Myra Guca says:

    I sure like the roadrunner on your railing! Where I most recently worked at the (Phoenix) golf resort we used to see them all the time.

  12. Bruce Taylor says:

    Maybe it’s time for a trip to Cancun! ;^/ )))

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