30 Years Later

I’m still laughing about yesterday’s post. I sure had a lot of enthusiasm and energy 30 years ago! I still have a lot of enthusiasm, but energy? Not nearly so much.

So do I miss those days? Not at all. I love being retired and being able to choose my own projects…blogging every day keeps my mind active and engaged with the world.

What about you? Do you miss what your life was like 30 years ago?

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22 Responses to 30 Years Later

  1. Rose says:

    Oh, I do miss a lot about life 30 years ago….but there are things I don’t miss at all.

  2. That’s a loaded question. 30 years ago I still had the three most important people in my life. I’d love to have them back. But don’t miss the work place and I’ve always been good at entertaining myself.

  3. Ginny Hartzler says:

    Well, I sure do miss being able to do what I used to. Can’t even walk thru a large store now!

  4. MadSnapper says:

    Nope don’t miss anything from back then, love retirement. the only thing I sometimes miss is the ability to stand up and walk without looking like Frankenstein the first few steps and being able to get on my knees to do something… that said i have found a way around all that and am happy with my computer and blogging… better than TV… Bob says all the time, how can you stay on the computer all the time. i answer how can you stare at the TV all the time… to each his on. I have a friend who is totally miserable since the lockdown because she is always on the go and wants to play cards with others, meet for lunch, go places. she has no computer, cant use her iPhone except to text or call. I wanted to do what you did with the old iPhone but can’t find anyone getting anew one to let me have or buy their old. one friend got a new one and I asked her if she would sell me the old one and she had already given it to a friend to use as an ipod to listen to her music. they can be recyled for a lot of things…

  5. Ann Thompson says:

    In a lot of ways I do miss the way my life was 30 years ago. The only thing missing then was that I didn’t feel truly at peace like I do now.

  6. I miss some of the people that were in my life 30 years ago. And I wish I could talk to them …. And I wish I could talk to myself, the advice I would give me if I could! ?

  7. Myra Guca says:

    Absolutely, 100% yes. I only wish I’d have had the presence of mind to appreciate what I had.
    Oh well. If nothing else, I can serve as a bad example. 🙂

  8. Hootin' Anni says:

    I love living in the times. Sure I have memories, but I enjoy today!!

  9. Linda Sand says:

    Thirty years ago our daughter had moved out and was making a mess of her life so, no, I don’t miss that time. I’m so glad she finally got it all together and has a great man in her life now. What peace there is in knowing your offspring is doing fine.

  10. around 30 years ago I was splitting up with now ex-husband – it wasn’t a great period because how he had treated me and the low esteem I had of myself because of that.

    I slowly rebuilt a life but it’s not the one I have now, because that “seemingly new life” wasn’t quite the best. And then I got very sick, which is now one the chronic illnesses that I self-manage; has no medication other than how I work my life.

    I think I would like to go back a lot further to the 1960s when I was away from NZ and the parents and living in cosmopolitan city of London, UK. No hassles with men and at that point the ex was nowhere on my radar. I wish I had been able to make a life for myself in the UK…

    I’m starting to see in my current situation … it’s time to make a change! 🙂 not sure what…

  11. The OP Pack says:

    I am quite content with the life I have now (aside from the Covid restraints), but my life 30 years ago was delightful, a hard working and successful husband and three delightful teenagers. I have fond memories of those days and would love to relive many of them. But that is but a dream:)

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