A Year Makes a Big Difference

Kaitlin sent this year-old picture of the paper goods aisle in a Target store.

It’s been a long time since we’ve had that problem.

Here is a picture taken last March of the largest of our four tomato plants.

The other three were a lot smaller.

As you know, those plants eventually took over most of the greenhouse. We’re still eating tomatoes every day.

Yes, it does look messy, but those tomatoes sure are good.

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18 Responses to A Year Makes a Big Difference

  1. The OP Pack says:

    Much the same with supplies of those paper goods here, but I have noticed a lot of items have disappeared in other areas – maybe not stocking what doesn’t sell that much?

    • Jean says:

      It could be that or maybe Covid affecting manufacturing and shipping? I know shipping is a problem with imported goods…social distancing, sickness, etc. means that ports are bottlenecks.

  2. Ginny Hartzler says:

    It is so awesome to have a greenhouse of your own. Toilet paper and paper towels are more readily available now, but I still have the urge to hoard them!

    • Jean says:

      Yes, Kaitlin and Torben suggested it. It took us a few years to get it designed and built, but we’re thrilled with it. Thanks, Kaitlin and Torben!

  3. the shelves had the same problems here, although I never did see it personally – BUT what is occurring is the imported goods are either still not being manufactured or they are held up by a cargo ship/flight – AND not deemed essential – OR said cargo isn’t actually on land, ships are backing up in harbours waiting to unload…

    the tomato crops look magic and the fact you’ve eaten them all winter is testimony to having that magnificent structure built and Andy knowing how to make it all keep on working,,,,

    • Jean says:

      I’ve read that about ships backing up in harbors. Hopefully that gets better in time.

      Andy hasn’t done much in the greenhouse for months, there are too many other things for him to do. Those tomato plants just seem to love it there.

  4. MadSnapper says:

    daddy’s tomatoes were always messy and his were outside. nothing tastes as good as home grown tomatoes. you are blessed to have a hubby who plants them and to be able to eat them all winter.

  5. Ann Thompson says:

    The shelves are better stocked these days.
    Those tomatoes really took off.

  6. Rose says:

    I am so thankful that w can find most of what we want now.

    I would never get tired of tomatoes.

    • Jean says:

      Yes, it was a relief that the shelves in stores are mostly full…a year ago we didn’t know what would happen. The first we heard was to be prepared for a month at home. Later they said don’t hoard.

  7. Hootin' Anni says:

    …and I’m jealous!!!

  8. Myra Guca says:

    Thankfully, our stores have no shortage of paper goods. All the same, I won’t make the same mistake of waiting to buy more until … well, you know. (*grin*)

    • Jean says:

      We actually had a fair supply before the pandemic. Our family joke was Kaitlin and Torben’s inheritance would be paper towels and TP.

  9. Our store occasionally still have a few shortages but nothing like before.

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