Wordless Wednesday

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20 Responses to Wordless Wednesday

  1. The OP Pack says:

    That must have been a good joke the happy otter told. Or maybe a good trick he played on his pal.

  2. Bruce Taylor says:

    Love ’em. (At least, I oughter.)

  3. Myra G. says:

    Whoa ..
    Someone’s captured me and my husband watching the comedy channel.

  4. Ginny Hartzler says:

    Oh, how cute! I ADORE Otters!!

  5. I was pretty sure, you wouldn’t be “wordless” but I see I was wrong….but cute friends you found under a piece of burlap 🙂 who did all the “talking for you in expressions”

  6. Ann Thompson says:

    Love this picture. Looks like the one on the right finds something very funny but the one on the left doesn’t look too amused. Wonder if they joke’s on him?

  7. Hootin' Anni says:

    It’s like a nagging female and the male (on the left) is thinking “here she goes again, flapping her jaws!”

  8. Rose says:

    Oh, my goodness, they are adorable!

  9. MadSnapper says:

    i am now wondering as i sit here with a big grin on my face, is there is anyone that would not smile at this photo… i once saw an otter show at Sea World in orlando, it was priceless like this

  10. tammyj says:

    oh dear lord. who on this earth couldn’t love a little Otter!
    they are just so wonderful. xoxo

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