There Was More There Than Met the Eye

Years ago astronomers thought there was no use looking for information much outside the visible wavelengths. It turns out they were wrong.

This is a Hubble telescope picture of the galaxy Hercules A:

And here is a picture of the galaxy with data from a radio telescope superposed on it.

That’s quite a difference!

(For more information click here.)

We can’t always believe everything we think. Life is full of surprises.

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22 Responses to There Was More There Than Met the Eye

  1. tammyj says:

    and Space is definitely full of surprises.
    (and the oceans of this world are too!)
    these pictures of Hercules A are beautiful.

    • Jean says:

      They’ve learned a lot in the past hundred years, but the big discovery is we don’t know what is really there. Apparently 25% of the universe is dark matter, 70% dark energy, and we don’t know what they are. Plenty more to learn, if we can figure it out.

  2. Ginny Hartzler says:

    Wow! I have a friend who assembles the radio telescopes. They send him to Chili to work on the large assembly.

  3. Bruce Taylor says:

    I was just going to type “fascinating”. So we agree.

  4. interesting but that’s “way above my head” and will probably remain so – but each to their own interests 🙂

  5. Ann Thompson says:

    Space, the final frontier. I wonder if we will ever learn all there is to learn about it. These pictures are pretty fascinating

  6. Joared says:

    We often don’t know what we don’t know.

  7. MadSnapper says:

    Amen to surprises! they are here to stay for sure. Just think if the first person to use the first ever telephone could hold a smart phone. wow. and even since man first walked on the moon, just thing of all those changes.

  8. Cheri says:

    I sure have learned a lot of things since following your blog:) You are a lady of many interests. Thanks for teaching me new things…we are never too old to learn:)

  9. This post reminds me I need to make a trip down to planetarium. Been awhile and stargazing is so interesting.

  10. Rose Swalls says:

    I am with whoever said they wonder will we ever know all there is to know about space…I somehow doubt it.

    • Jean says:

      I agree. Theorists have said what we understand is only about 5% of the universe. Dark matter is another 25%, dark energy 70%. But some people are questioning that now. Plenty of things to ponder.

  11. Hootin' Anni says:

    Absolutely fascinating!!

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