Cute Birds

Rose posted a video of a parrot playing peekaboo with a cat.

It reminded me of this video:

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18 Responses to Cute Birds

  1. The OP Pack says:

    I could watch these birds all night – they are so funny. I especially enjoy the dancing ones. That one with the paper towel was a hoot.

    • Jean says:

      Me too! Also the marching geese, the cockatoo squawking into the cup, and the pup watching the bird eat a cracker.

  2. Myra says:

    Loved every one! Oh, but that pug singing harmony. I can’t even!

  3. tammyj says:

    I had NO idea birds are so entertaining!!! this is wonderful!
    and the actions of the different dogs with them. the little pug SINGING! LOL! the marching geese! and my favorite… the little bird with the paper towel just trying to cover up and go to bed! LOL. XO

  4. Ginny Hartzler says:

    So cute and funny! Parrots and cockatoos are very smart!

  5. Ann Thompson says:

    Love this. This had me giggling.

  6. Hootin' Anni says:

    I was literally lol

  7. MadSnapper says:

    at our Jungle gardens they parrots talk, and the one like the gray one by the staircase has a hug vocabulary. i have never seen a bird play with a paper towel, to cute

  8. Birds do seem to have rhythm.

  9. Rose says:

    I loved these..I lived the one trying to cover up with the paper towel, the parade, and the one doing the riverdance!

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