One Thing I Like About the Pond…

is we can see flowers without cages around them.

Not that we don’t love Andy’s roses.

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12 Responses to One Thing I Like About the Pond…

  1. Hootin' Anni says:

    This protection against critters?

  2. Ginny Hartzler says:

    They are beautiful! I am sure that without the cages, they would be eaten very quickly by wildlife. I hope the cages keep them away.

    • Jean says:

      So far so good. We’ve lost evergreens to deer rubbing their antlers on the bark. Even those trees need protection.

  3. Ann Thompson says:

    I’m assuming the park has the luxury of not having wild creatures coming in to dine on their roses.

  4. Myra G. says:

    Cages or not, they’re still pretty, each in their own way.

  5. MadSnapper says:

    it appears the roses that are caged are escaping all on their own. they are gorgeous confined or not confined and can be picked and brought inside..

  6. yes I can imagine that those plants at the pond are well looked after, the only pruning done by the humans… but love that the roses up on the land, appear to have survived enough to bloom…

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