Life Isn’t Always Easy

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17 Responses to Life Isn’t Always Easy

  1. Ann Thompson says:

    Such determination. Not a quitter in the bunch 🙂

  2. Ginny Hartzler says:

    Oh my goodness, their little legs are just going so fast! This must be like Mount Everest to them. It is amazing that they actually made it, and none were hurt badly!

  3. nick says:

    Well, I’m glad they all finally made it! They realised in the end that what was needed was just putting enough effort into it!

  4. MadSnapper says:

    as small as they are, that is a MOUNTAIN to climb. so sweet

  5. Myra G. says:

    I’m in awe! Applauding that last little guy like he was my own!

  6. Hooray! That was a fun watch. I love the patience of the mom.

  7. The OP Pack says:

    Perseverance!!! And Patience!!! Bit I was worried at the end that the last one was going to fall down another step:)

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