Storm Warning

Kaitlin sent this screenshot Sunday to show what warnings look like in a Boston accent.

Fortunately they weren’t affected much by Tropical Storm Henri. Apparently the damage to the rest of the state was mainly a school closure, three small tornadoes, and power outages. It could have been a lot worse.

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18 Responses to Storm Warning

  1. Ann Thompson says:

    Love the sign. I never knew signs had accents…lol Glad to hear it didn’t do much damage

  2. nick says:

    That warning is more likely to attract attention than the typical prosaic British sign “Storm due shortly”.

  3. The OP Pack says:

    That’s a very fun sign. I grew up in Western MA, no accent like that there:) Glad the “stawm” wasn’t as bad for them as was predicted.

  4. Hootin' Anni says:

    Some saw trees uprooted in their back “yawds”.

  5. tammyj says:

    my Grandad (mother’s dad) was from Boston and had that accent!
    it always seemed funny to hear him having to ‘pahk his cah’ LOL.
    I can hear it in my head but don’t know how to write it. he was adorable.

  6. you can find some good accents downunder – let’s not get started on the word accents between Aussie and us Kiwi (NZ slang for the locals) – one of the simpler words is “dance” – and yep we spell it same way, pronounce way different….

    • Jean says:

      We went to Australia and New Zealand in 1966, and we sometimes had trouble with the Australian accent. I remember Andy ordering our food at a fast food place and the gal yelling at him because he didn’t understand “tike awhy”. I figured it out because she wasn’t yelling at me. Too funny. 🙂

  7. Catalyst says:

    They love their accent, those Bostoners.

  8. Ginny Hartzler says:


  9. Myra G. says:

    Good to know there was no more damage!
    I need to share this with our meteorologists — might be fun to see what a Southern spin they could come up with.

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