More Harvests

Andy picked the least hail-damaged of the apples:

And he brought home this zucchini.

It was about 8″ long, and he said he’s going to have to watch that plant. The zucchini was only a few inches long the last time he looked. The minute our backs are turned….

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12 Responses to More Harvests

  1. Ginny Hartzler says:

    They are growng so well!

  2. Ann Thompson says:

    Zucchini seem to be good at doing that. A friend of my husbands used to bring me a bag full every year and his were all about a foot long and fat.

  3. Yep zucchini are known for that “spurt of growth” …. but still you’ve got harvesting underway – that greenhouse has been a godsend for food for sure….

  4. MadSnapper says:

    This could easily turn into a zucchini para story! Haha the night of the giant zucchini! Sorry about the ruined apples

  5. tammyj says:

    a wonderful harvest! how do you prepare your zucchini?
    I confess to not eating it often. I had a friend who made a wonderful casserole from it. I have to learn to be more of a squash person. I only like the small yellow squash steamed and with butter… or sometimes chopped onions.
    I’m not a very inventive cook!

  6. Linda Sand says:

    A blogger I read actually buys bushels of bruised apples because they are cheap. Then she cut out the bad spots and make applesauce from the rest. Her family loves applesauce.

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