Giving Advice and Taking It, or Not

She generally gave herself very good advice (though she very seldom followed it).
— Lewis Carroll

Have you ever given yourself good advice? Did you follow it?

Has anyone ever given you advice that you’re grateful for? Has anyone ever annoyed you by telling you what you should do?

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18 Responses to Giving Advice and Taking It, or Not

  1. Hootin' Anni says:

    Good advice? Always…and I most always followed it. To be honest tho, as a teen, I rebelled…and now I realize it WAS good advice. Do YOU follow?

  2. Ginny Hartzler says:

    Hmmm, this is something I have never thought about. I ask my husband for advice from time to time, and quite often follow it.

  3. Rose says:

    Yes, I give myself advice…sometimes I follow it sometimes I don’t. Yes, I have had people give me advice…and sometimes I do follow it. And yes, people have annoyed me because their advice shows that they were not listening in the first place. LOL

  4. Ann Thompson says:

    Yes to all of the above. My husband used to always tell me what I should do but it wasn’t regarding serious issues. It always annoyed me so I did the exact opposite to annoy him right back…lol

  5. I really don’t like people telling me what to do unless I ask. Half the fun of doing anything is figuring out how to do it.

  6. Myra Guca says:

    I don’t know if you’d call it advice, but my conscience is always acting out. Sure, there are times I wish I’d heeded another’s advice. Unfortunately, there’s someone about someone saying, “You should” that gets my back up. Personally, I like to form my own suggestions as, “What about…..?” or “What do you think …?”

  7. Linda Sand says:

    Oh, I so relate to that quote!

  8. nick says:

    I had lots of people saying I was mad to give up journalism and take up bookselling, but I loved bookselling and did it for 23 years! The life of a journalist is now very hectic and the salaries are much lower than they used to be, so I reckon I’m well out of it..

  9. Some of you know I have ended up with a bully – that basically started well over a decade ago, little things that really put me in a bad light – then it escalated and earlier this year “I called time” with a help of another newer friend. It has been very difficult because if she wanted to, she could just start up again – a month back and she did (via a phone) but I “told her to stop”… at the moment she is there in the background but for now, all quietness.

    I’ve given myself advice over the years, but I don’t always follow through…once it had to do with said bully and she basically told me that I wasn’t strong enough . She used some rather odd reasons why not! I know I should have followed through, life wouldn’t have stayed with her always with her “odd advice” …

    But at the moment I’m all good….I’m doing my own thing and enjoying it.

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