Dear Family;
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everybody!
The end of this year finds both Jean and I still in as good health as can be expected “for our age”. We are still independent and are able to do what we want although more slowly than in previous years. Jean continues to concentrate on her computer, blogging, and new cameras and I work on my electronics, roads, greenhouse, etc. etc.
Our major adventure this year was flying to Massachusetts to visit Kaitlin, Torben and the dogs. Kaitlin came out here to escort us one way since the rules have changed a great deal since we last flew (about 25 years ago). With that training we had no trouble returning home. They had a big home in a nice woodsy quiet location and we enjoyed our visit a lot.
We are still in a bad drought here with the mountains practically bare of snow in early December! The weather guessers are predicting some snow later this week—we’ll see. Even our 500-foot deep well is beginning to need time to recover after one has pumped about 150 gallons out of it. We can get over 350 gals. a day out of it which is plenty for our needs so far.
The greenhouse is a real learning experience for me! Plants can grow in there all year long. Last year the tomatoes “took over” and this year the squash filled up the place. I now think that one should not let them grow “forever” but rather replant things after a reasonable time. We are still getting squash regularly this year so I’m not sure what “reasonable time” means. It is also true that bugs and diseases can grow all year too and maybe one wants to let the thing sit with no plants but regular organic bug drenches for a some time each year?
I have been having trouble with obtaining fruit lately due to the weather. Previously we lost fruit due to bad freezes every now and then but mostly Spring came and stayed. Last year, though, we had multiple bouts of nice warm weather interspersed with very hard freezes. Needless to say all the fruit trees and even the roses and daffodils were confused. I wonder whether we are starting to see effects from climate change or whether it is only due to the drought?
Again, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Do you write Christmas letters? What was your 2021 like?
December 9, 2021
in this computerized age it would be interesting to know how much this honored tradition is being kept by families and friends. I honestly don’t recall it in my own family. we were small and apparently kept in touch throughout the year!
It would be interesting to know.
I never did…I had an aunt that sent a Christmas letter. Of course, as a kid, I thought they were boring. But, my mom (her sister) really enjoyed them year after year.
I can understand that. I love getting annual letters from family members who don’t write much.
i love it! I have never seen a blogger post their Chriatmas etter, but what a greta idea! We used to write them, but then got too lazy and boring.
Great letter. I have a cousin who includes a letter with her Christmas card each year.
I love getting letters like that. But I love reading my friends’ blog posts even more.
I have never written a Christmas letter, but used to get 3, but now am down to 1 a year.. our year is much like yours, we are well for the age we are. i wish we had veggies growing year round
Couldn’t you do it in Florida if you had the space?
I used to get one actual christmas letter and did enjoy it. I have never sent one. But I have a childhood friend and we usually send a letter to each other at Christmas.
I enjoyed reading this one.
I love letters but most of my friends weren’t letter writers. That’s why I like blogging.
Nice letter and probably really appreciated by your friends and family.
I, too, write Christmas letters and I try to give them a humorous twist each year. Didn’t really achieve that this year but I tried.
It’s a good way to keep in touch. Once a year is better than nothing.
I’ve always loved Christmas letters! And, like my mother before me, have saved most. As a matter of fact, I discovered one such stash yesterday and grew a little misty-eyed, realizing how many of these senders have passed away.
Anyway! Andy’s letter is great. He’s inspired me to write one of my own!
Good! I will tell him.
I used to do Christmas letters each year, but I found it hard to be creative each year. A few of our friends who live at a distance do still include one. I took a stab at one this year, and I think it turned out pretty well. After that crazy 2020 with so little social contact, it seemed like a good thing to do. Hope the recipients agree:)
I’m sure they’ll appreciate it.
I used to do it…mail it with a Christmas Card…to all kinds of people.
But I can’t remember when I last did that!
Both the card and the letter…
We stopped sending cards a few years ago, except to a couple of people who don’t use the internet and still send them. But I think email letters make a lot more sense and love getting them from people who don’t blog.