Keep Your Fingers Crossed…

for Kaitlin, Torben, and the pups. Their furniture and other things might get there Thursday. Kaitlin wrote,

My red head will be so happy to have chairs and the couch…

Tempi does like to sit up high so she can see. And it would be nice if their stuff came before Kaitlin has to start work.

Kaitlin and Torben are not complaining, though. The road they came on, I80, is now closed around Donner Pass because of the latest storm. And they are safe and warm.

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16 Responses to Keep Your Fingers Crossed…

  1. Ginny Hartzler says:

    Glad to hear all is going well so far!

  2. Ann Thompson says:

    Here’s hoping that a big truck pulls up to their place today loaded with furniture πŸ™‚

  3. MadSnapper says:

    back in my truck driving days, we drove from a steel mill in Maine down I80 all the way to Napa Valley in CA… in January of 1984. we had to pull over and wait in the snow many times. PA and OH were BAD.. I hope this post means the furniture is on the way and prayers for it to make it through to them. are they both starting new jobs, or just your daughter? Hope Tempe finds something to sit up on soon and that all the fence holes are sealed.

    • Jean says:

      Wow! That was a long, rough rough trip! Thanks for the good wishes. Just Kaitlin is starting a new job, so that should relieve some pressure. And, yes. I would love to see Tempi’s reaction when the furniture gets there. πŸ™‚

  4. Rose says:

    I hope it makes it there soon! How blessed they were to come as early as they did sass nd miss the road closing.

  5. Glad they are safe! Just saying Donner Pass is enough to scare me.

  6. tammyj says:

    timing is often everything in life.
    I’m so glad their own timing in this move was good!
    now let’s hope the truck bringing their stuff gets there Safely! XO

  7. Cindi says:

    Fingers crossed

  8. Myra Guca says:

    Isn’t it amazing what ‘creature comforts’ we take for granted? Fingers crossed and prayers lifted!

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