I Don’t Know About You…

but I laughed out loud when I read this:

Your hair was put on your head to remind you that you can’t control everything.
—Sherry Cam

I love my unruly hair.

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24 Responses to I Don’t Know About You…

  1. Linda Sand says:

    My hair is aggressively straight. Even perms never worked well on me.

  2. Ginny+Hartzler says:

    LOVE it!!

  3. Cindi says:

    My hair was been curly and I spent my life trying to calm it down.
    After chemo everyone said their hair grew back curly. Chemo curls, they called them. My hair grew in STRAIGHT! LOLOLOL!
    But as time has gone on, it’s kinda wavy now and curling a bit…
    And you know what? I’m just grateful to HAVE hair now!

  4. MadSnapper says:

    I like my unruly hair now that I have been letting it do what it wants to and not trying to force it to curl or wave or stay in one place

  5. Ann Thompson says:

    LOL, that’s a good one.

  6. Hootin'+Anni says:

    Lol…years ago, I was vain and spent hours on my hair. Now, I shampoo, run my fingers through it and let it go.

  7. Rose says:

    LOL! This is so true. Maybe we should look at it as something untamed and and untrainable. It is meant to be wild and free.

  8. love that quote

    well I’ve “tamed mine” – a buzz cut suits me perfectly – last week I went to a new place, as I still not been back to the Mall – the guy did a fantastic job, I’ll be back… it’s kind of not a place for old ladies like me, I think he was a bit taken aback but I was the only one in the shop most of the time….

  9. YES, which is why I just have to avoid mirrors and reflective surfaces. 🙂

  10. Myra Guca says:

    Mine truly has a mind of it’s own. I only inherited my mother’s naturally wavy hair on one side. So, much my haircutters’ dismay, the left side involuntarily flips up and out like the Flying Nun. I figure there’s bigger stuff to worry about!

  11. That’s a good one! LOL

  12. Catalyst says:

    Fortunately we’ve both reached an age where we no longer WANT to control everything!

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