About 60 years Ago

Kaitlin and Torben in the Bay Area reminds me of when Andy and I were going together. Here’s a picture of when we went camping in Yosemite.

What a difference from today. Not just that we were so much younger, but Yosemite is so much more crowded now. When we camped we were all alone and at about 8000 feet in elevation…it was beautiful but we both had fierce headaches and decided they would always happen if we went that high. Now the elevation of our our house in the mountains is 8900 feet and we have no problems at all. Things change a lot.

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22 Responses to About 60 years Ago

  1. Catalyst says:

    My late uncle used to hike and camp in Yosemite, among other places. He loved it. I’ve never been there.

  2. Hootin'+Anni says:

    As a kid, we went to Yellowstone often. Back then it was pristine, quiet, and beautiful. Then Bud and I took OUR kids there. Everything commercialized & near freeway highways to handle all the traffic. I wouldn’t go back there if they paid me.

  3. Cindi says:

    You look so cute.
    Now and even then
    Iā€™d be worried about bears!

    • Jean says:

      Interestingly, I’m pretty sure we didn’t do anything to make sure our food was secured and away from where we were sleeping. I wouldn’t be nearly as relaxed now.

  4. I wish we could have spent more time at Yosemite and one day. Great place.

    • Jean says:

      It is even though the crowds now must be bad most years. This year they’re doing some building or something so people can’t come unless they have reservations.

  5. I have no such memories other than when I was camping with a company on 2-8 weeks trips…very much organised, other than the food we ate which was dependent a lot of time on what a “market had for our shoppers of that week”

    I guess a lot of the wilderness has been commercialized. Here agencies have provided well formed tracks and the like, although there are still pristine out of the way places. Of course, tourists from overseas have more or less disappeared due to “you all know what”…. we are slowly reopening.

  6. Ginny+Hartzler says:

    things DO change so much. And I bet you are so glad you took this photo!

  7. tammyj says:

    this is a great picture! I’m so glad you’re sharing your
    earlier life with us! xo

  8. MadSnapper says:

    this means you have adjusted to the high elevation. the human body is just amazing as is the beauty of Yellowstone. You look so happy to be there. we have noticed a drastic change in our parks here in Florida from the time I moved here 39 years ago until now. and we don’t like the change at all. I just came from visiting your Zoom Grand dog. Still laughing. Talk about Changing Times. Ha ha

  9. Rose says:

    I woukd have loved to go there when you were there. Mot so much now with all the people. I love seeing your old photos.

  10. I, too, love seeing your older photographs!
    Speaking of ‘old’, I’ll do near anything to avoid going where there will be crowds. That, and camping.
    The only elevation sickness I can recall was when our random visitors would get nosebleeds.

    • Jean says:

      We avoid crowds too. Kaitlin gets headaches for the first day or so when they sleep up on the land. She takes it easy and avoids strenuous walks until she’s acclimated.

  11. Love the photo. Yes, things can change a lot. Have a nice Saturday.

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