Daylight Savings Time

Andy and I don’t care one way or the other, but do you hate having to change the clock twice a year? If so, would you rather have Daylight Savings Time all year round, or would you rather go back to Standard Time all year long? Do you care more about sunrise or sunset in the winter?

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26 Responses to Daylight Savings Time

  1. Ginny+Hartzler says:

    There is a bill now that looks like it will be approved very soon, no more changing the clocks!!!

    • Jean says:

      I know, that’s why I’m writing about it. They tried it in the 70s and too many people who had been for it changed their minds because of the dark mornings, sending little kids off to school in the dark.

  2. Catalyst says:

    The bill creating year-round Daylight Saving Time was rammed through the Senate thanks to Marco Rubio and Kyrsten Sinema without hardly anyone else even being aware of it. However it will have to be passed in the House (unlikely) and signed by the President (also unlikely). So don’t hold your breath. And everyone who hates changing their clock could move to Arizona, which (for most of the state) doesn’t go on DST.

  3. nick says:

    I just wish we could stay on one time permanently without all this tedious chopping and changing twice a year. A lot of Brits are of the same opinion, but although the government occasionally talks about ending all the clock-changing, nothing ever happens.

  4. Ann Thompson says:

    I honestly wouldn’t care which they picked so long as there was no more switching back and forth. If I had to choose one or the other though, I would say standard time

  5. MadSnapper says:

    I want it on standard, so does bob and beau. i will be doing a post on the pitfalls of daylight savings time. our body’s were created to cycle with the sun and moon and the change messes with our bodys. I want it to stay the same and can learn to live with it either way. we need to follow the sundial not what man thinks it should be

  6. Rose says:

    I want standard…I would not like sending kids in the dark but neither would I like sending them to bed way before dark. I have had people say that it makes a difference in scheduling things in business but i say we have dealt with different time zones and will continue to deal with them…Califirnia is 3 hours behind us…they are not likely to change to be the same time as us nor will we turn back time 3 hours.

  7. Nina says:

    I agree with you and Andy. Keep standard time permanently. Sleep study professionals warn that using daylight savings time permanently would wreak havoc with lots of our bodily systems.

  8. Hootin'+Anni says:

    Any way …Saving Time (there is no “s”) or standard time. Just NO changing, period. There are so many things for the reason of DST, one of them was to save energy… didn’t!!

    • Jean says:

      Thanks for the correction, but apparently I’m not the only one. From Wikipedia:

      Daylight saving time (DST), also known as daylight savings time or daylight time (United States, Canada, and Australia), and summer time (United Kingdom, European Union, and some other countries), is the practice of advancing clocks (typically by one hour) during warmer months so that darkness falls at a later clock time.

  9. Like you, the time change doesn’t make much of a difference in our retired lives. If I had my druthers, however, I prefer Standard Time.

  10. sillygirl says:

    Standard time makes the most sense to me and businesses could have Summer Hours if they wanted.

  11. I like the longer light in the evenings in the summer. Now, when we go to visit with James we can play in the backyard because it isn’t dark out yet.

  12. Linda Sand says:

    I am also in favor of standard time. There’s a reason we started with that and that reason never changed.

  13. tammyj says:

    ” we need to follow the sundial not what man thinks it should be ”
    another vote for standard time from me.
    just Leave it Alone!!! why does man always Mess with everything in nature? because he can.

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