It Helps to Be Cute

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20 Responses to It Helps to Be Cute

  1. Great title! How could you stay mad at a smile like that?

  2. Hootin' Anni says:

    Oh oh…musta been that huge rat I saw scurrying out as I came in, honest!!!!

  3. Ann Thompson says:

    LOL, Yes, it sure does. I’ve said so many times that it’s a good thing Gibbs is cute, otherwise he would be in big trouble. At least he’s never done anything like this.

  4. tammyj says:

    this is wonderful. he looks so proud! Look Mom! I made my own Door!
    it just made my day! LOL! XO

  5. Ginny+Hartzler says:

    Oh my GOSH!!! I did not think the Goldens did things like this! We had friends whose Jack Russel ate thru their dry wall.

  6. MadSnapper says:

    our neighbor went to disney with their grandson for 3 days and left the dog home with another friend who stayed there to take care of the dog, she went to work and locked Princess in the bathroom and their door to the outside yard looks just like this…

  7. Catalyst says:

    A friend who was going through a nasty divorce once upon a time left her Golden home alone one night and came back to find he had eaten the wood trim on her sofa. And one of her wandering husband’s leather boots. (That’ll teach him!)

  8. That’s the cutest thing I’ve seen in ages! Just made my day!

  9. Rose says:

    I was thinking for a moment I had had nothing like this, but I had something along these lines. A friend gave me a collie without telling me she was scared of storms. Not that there was a thing to do about it. But we left one evening to run and get a bite to eat. Was sunny, nice evening. Had no clue a storm was coming.

    We came home and she had gone in the bathroom and somehow shut the door on herself. She had torn up the linoleum, ripped holes in towels…I forget what all she did.

    • Jean says:

      I know. Some pups are terrified by thunder and fireworks. It takes a lot of work to help them. In For the Love of a Dog the author tells about one woman who had an outside dog who went frantic at signs of a storm, so the woman built a big sound-insulated dog house for it, and every time a storm threatened the woman would go outside and into the dog house with treats to comfort the dog. The dog eventually learned to do it without her.

  10. oh my – love all all the comments

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