We’re Not Sitting Around…

chewing our fingernails. We’ll know a lot more after this weekend…the wind is already picking up and is predicted to get worse.

Weather and Fire Behavior: Thunderstorms and lightening are possible today. These storms may contain strong and gusty winds that are very erratic. If thunderstorms develop, their variable winds could push the fire in any direction traveling up to 10 acres in an hour. The temperature will be in the low to mid 60s with a maximum temperature of 68 degrees. Winds will be south to southwest mostly 12 mph with 25 mph gusts.

Winds are expected to pick up Thursday into Friday. Friday will be a critical weather day with sustained west-northwest winds at 20 mph gusting around 35 mph and minimal relative humidity of 10.

Andy is busy down here designing more circuits for automating our solar heating system. He’s assuming our house won’t burn down. Again, we should know a lot more after this weekend. We’re following the updates but are relaxed about the whole thing. It will be what it will be.

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23 Responses to We’re Not Sitting Around…

  1. Joared says:

    Hope you avoid the fires.

  2. Ginny+Hartzler says:

    I sure hope you do not have to evacuate! Do they have any hope of getting it under control?

  3. Ann Thompson says:

    Well lets hope that the weekend goes well and the house will be safe. I like Andy’s positive thinking. You’re right too, it will be what it will be. No amount of worrying would change the outcome.

  4. Hootin Anni says:

    You two are so calm. I’d be a nervous wreck!! More power to you. Still, I carry you both in my thoughts.

  5. MadSnapper says:

    I need a vaccine made from your body to give me a good shot at it is what it is and will be what it will be. I am sadly lacking in that ability.
    my motto since Birth, is If anything CAN happen it probably will and finish off with expect the best, plan for the worse. and plan and plan and plan

    • Jean says:

      We don’t know exactly what we would do up there, it would depend on how much damage was done. There would be plenty of time to decide. The main thing is to enjoy what we have while we still have it.

  6. Like Sandra, I need one of those vaccine’s! Having lived there so long, I’m sure you already have a contingency plan; and should it come to that, there will be no rush to panic. Watching!

    • Jean says:

      We’re not expecting to have to evacuate down here for this one, but as they said in a meeting tonight, it’s only April so we should have an evacuation plan.

  7. Keeping busy has got to help….

  8. Cindi says:

    You are so right.
    It will be what it will be… but
    I’d still be so worried
    I admire you and Andy so much!

  9. Catalyst says:

    Good luck with the fire. These damnable year-after-year fire seasons will wear us out. Maybe our mantra should be “climate change, climate change, climate change” repeated ad nauseum.

  10. Linda Sand says:

    Good attitude. That’s kind of what we do about tornadoes. Keep a watch but don’t panic. In all the years we’ve lived in Minnesota we’ve only taken shelter a few times and we’ve never had a direct hit.

    • Jean says:

      Good for you. I would be terrified of tornadoes, but that’s because we live on the second floor. No safe place to shelter.

    • Linda Sand says:

      In our previous 4th floor apartment we went down to the underground garage one night. There was only one other family down there. But that tornado came closer than most do to our part of town. They mostly turn north before they get close to us.

  11. I was pretty sure Andy would be busy with the something to do with electronical gadgets and machines

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