Andy’s Fruit Trees

Andy doesn’t know if any of the fruit trees in the old greenhouse area will survive:

But he has water to this area so he will continue to water them and see. (There are more pictures of this area on Flickr.)

The trees down in the orchard area look happier:

(There are more pictures of the trees in this area on Flickr.)

Because the fire melted the plastic pipe he has been carrying water down to them. (Beate and Tim are now back and she says they’ll do it tomorrow.)

Why is there water to the old greenhouse area and not the orchard? Distance. Years ago Kaitlin and her then boyfriend buried the plastic pipe from the well house to the old greenhouse area. The orchard was too far for that as you can see from the map.

So they will soon start replacing all the pipe that was above ground.

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21 Responses to Andy’s Fruit Trees

  1. Sounds like a lot of work. I hope your fruit trees come back. The others are looking good.

  2. Ann Thompson says:

    Those first two do look a little sad. Hopefully they will make it with a little TLC

  3. tammyj says:

    we Finally got some rain. it has rained off and on all day long.
    it’s like a miracle to me! I only wish you could have it too.
    and the cool air is so heavenly after weeks of 90+ temps!
    keeping fingers crossed for all your little trees. XOXO:)

  4. Ginny+Hartzler says:

    That IS a big difference in the distance!

  5. so much work and play for Andy to reinstate that water pipe – hopefully not too long as carry buckets of water can be time consuming – best wishes

    • Jean says:

      Beate and Tim gave the fruit trees in the orchard a good soaking today. Bless them! Andy’s trying to find the right kind of tubing (long enough lengths) to go all that way.

  6. Rose says:

    That looks like quite a distance…no winder you run a line to it. Would be a job to get water to it otherwise.

    In my younger years, for several years I had to get the drip irrigation running to the strawberries every year. It was the flat tube kind that was laid slightly under ground under plastic. I had 50 rows that were 400 ft long and I forget how many that were 800.. all of those strawberries. Not to mention black raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries. It was quite the challenge…deer would cut it with their hooves as they had ran through, mice chewed it in places. You can imagine…

    • Jean says:

      I can well imagine. Years ago the first thing we did when we got up there was to walk along the pipes with black tape to repair all the holes the critters had chewed in them.

  7. MadSnapper says:

    so sorry about the melted plastic, and it does look like those first two trees might be gone. tell Andy to be careful taking the water down there, I carried a dish pan of water out in the back yard to put on a tree yesterday and could feel it pulling on my back. and that was only 25 feet and back… glad to hear your neighbors are back

  8. When our home in Arizona was being built Tom buried lengths of PVC pipe to irrigate … but what a job, even at ‘only’ 60-something.
    What Andy’s doing is such a labor of love! If I read your last line correctly, are Kaitlin and Torben coming out to help replace the burned pipe?

    • Jean says:

      No, they offered but we said it’s not necessary for them to come now. Beate and Tim are wonderful neighbors and are helping a lot.

  9. Hooting Anni says:

    That must be a chore to tote water like that. But a necessary chore!!

  10. I can see how Andy keeps so fit with the unending cycle of work he does to help that land thrive as much as possible. Hope the trees make it.

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