What Flower are You?

This is another fun quiz. It said I was

Lily-of-the-Valley, Peony, & Hydrangea—

You are a loyal, honest person known by others to be trustworthy. Youโ€™re so loyal that youโ€™re often quite persistent, but those who know you always value your constancy and steadfast devotion.

It’s a quick quiz, and I’m surprised they got this result from my answers, but it’s consistent with me being a Six on the Enneagram. If you take it, what results do you get?

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28 Responses to What Flower are You?

  1. tammyj says:

    I got the same thing as you!
    but I didn’t get a Six on the Enneagram!
    I love anything from the old farmer’s almanac.

  2. Cindi says:

    Wellโ€ฆ I got the same as you and Tammy.
    But I think Iโ€™m a Shasta Daisy.
    I come back and bloom every Spring.
    I can be walked on or dug up and replanted
    and still survive.
    I prefer simple over grand.
    And I like my face in the sun.

  3. Ginny+Hartzler says:

    I took the test, and got the exact same result that you did!!1

    • Jean says:

      I didn’t try all combinations of questions, but I checked to be sure there were other results. I’ll mention them tomorrow. I like this result the best. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Hootin Anni says:

    Lily-of-the-Valley, Peony, & Hydrangea
    You are a loyal, honest person known by others to be trustworthy. Youโ€™re so loyal that youโ€™re often quite persistent, but those who know you always value your constancy and steadfast devotion.

  5. Ann Thompson says:

    I’m the odd one out, mine was different from yours. I’m iris, clemantis, dhalia and salvia.

  6. MadSnapper says:

    I did not take the test, I think these test are ways to steal our data and send those dratted emails, they grab our info and sell it to people to bombard us with. I know what I am. I am a briar plant with roses, all prickly

  7. Rose says:

    I want to go back and take the test again…I came ip.the same as you. Do you find there is always some questions that you dont have a definite answer for? I have never taken one personality test where every question had a choice that was very clearly me.

    • Jean says:

      I have the same experience. For curiosity I’ll often take the test more than once to see what they come up with.

  8. I want what you got but my flowers turned out to be Iris, Clematis, Dahlia, & Salvia.

  9. I got the same as you! I’m going to copy this link and share on my FB page; it seems all my friends (except me) are captivated by Spring flowers.

  10. Linda Sand says:

    I got the same mix you did but there were questions where I wanted to answer, “None of the above”.

  11. AE says:

    Same as you. Lily of the Valley is my favorite.

  12. Iris, Clematis, Dahlia and Salvia – the same as Ann Thompson. And explanation nailed it big time!!!

  13. I got the same one as you!

  14. Joared says:

    I agree with MadSnapper on what all these internet tests are about abusing us.

    • Jean says:

      In this case I don’t feel abused. I like the Boston Globe newsletter that told me about the test, and I thought it was fun.

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