For Sandra

I’m still laughing at Sandra’s post yesterday, especially the part where she said her body was past the expiration date. Well, yeah. It reminded me of this cartoon I drew about 20 years ago. Fortunately I tend to get attached to old things and love my poor body even more now. I wouldn’t trade.

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26 Responses to For Sandra

  1. great cartoon

    but what does often happen is “keep this body” just change the oil brand you are using and it will get better!

  2. You are a cartoonist among your other talents? You never cease to amaze me.

  3. Rose says:

    I would at least like a new paint job, and a new ir rebuilt transmission.

  4. MadSnapper says:

    I am with Rose, the transmission needs to be replaced, or maybe the part I need is the MUFFLER if you get my drift. starts with F ends with T. I did not know you could do cartoons. this is great. you are a woman of many talents and we learn new ones each day… so far I have had 3 posts today aimed at me, this one and two AQUA colored posts.. do you have any aqua cartoons?

    • Jean says:

      No aqua cartoons, but I took a picture of one of our towels in the bathroom of our house up in the mountains. I’ll try to send it and a picture of the tile floor to you tomorrow. I was thinking of you when I was up there. 🙂

    • Hootin Anni says:

      Lol Sandra…about f–t and “do you get my drift”. I promise not to say anything here.

      Jean, I think new pistons for me. My timing has been off for years.

  5. I didn’t know you were an artist! Does this come naturally, or did you follow your passion and take classes?
    At any rate, it made me laugh out loud. I can so identify!

    • Jean says:

      I am not an artist, I’m just persistent. In the past when I drew some cartoons it was using Photoshop and they took a long, long time to do.

  6. tammyj says:

    LOVE IT!
    and I’m also loving the community on your blog.
    it’s like getting to visit with friends each morning. and hearing their own experiences! in spite of all the bad… life is Good!
    I guess my name would be Snoopy Pollyanna.

  7. You drew that cartoon….I love it!

  8. Ginny+Hartzler says:

    You drew this yourself? Wow, you are a talented artist!!!

  9. Ann Thompson says:

    LOL, I’m pretty sure my body is ready to be traded in. I’ve said before I need new parts but I think by now they are all obsolete.

  10. Catalyst says:

    A village idiot on the t.v. news this evening said, after a segment on various graduation exercises, “It just makes you want to go back to school, doesn’t it?” Judy immediately responded with, “No WAY!” I feel the same though I wouldn’t mind having my much younger body back. For awhile.

  11. Linda Sand says:

    Great cartoon! I traded in my knees but the rest of me is made of original parts.

  12. Hootin Anni says:

    I don’t think my comment posted.

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