A Bit of Action/Excitement?

It is in vain to say human beings ought to be satisfied with tranquility; they must have action; and they will make it if they cannot find it.
–Charlotte Bronte

Do you think there is any truth to that? Have you ever known people who like to stir things up for a bit of excitement?

This quote reminds me of when Andy and I were living in France for 13 months. We were taking the train into Paris each weekday morning to attend Alliance Française for French lessons. One day we were in an orderly line to pay for the next session when a woman came in and couldn’t stand it. She started yelling at us to get out of the line and start pushing for our turn. Everyone did… presumably it was her school, her rules.

We prefer people waiting their turn.

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14 Responses to A Bit of Action/Excitement?

  1. Ginny+Hartzler says:

    Yes, there plenty of people who like to stir things up, then sit back and watch.It reminds me of a book we read back in the seventies. It was a kind of self-help book that was all the rage at the time called “I’m O.K., You’re O.K.” It told of the different types of people. And this type was dubbed Crazy Makers.

  2. Ann Thompson says:

    I’ve known a few people who like to stir things up. It’s generally people who the world revolves around and they are feeling like someone else is getting too much of their attention.

  3. MadSnapper says:

    I had an employee in my team that I dubbed Pot Stirrer! she would do/say anything to keep the people around her stirred up.. I tried to fire her but was told I could not by HR.. i don’t think the lady wanting in line is necessarily a trouble maker, she most likely is like my husband, has the patience of a gnat

    • Jean says:

      The woman stirring things up in Paris wasn’t in line, she was an employee who couldn’t stand the sight of people queuing up.

  4. There is without a doubt pot stirrers out there. I had a sister-in-law like that. She was raised with all kinds of unhealthy drama around her and she didn’t seem to be happy without it surrounding her in adulthood.

  5. How rude! I remember my mother often using that term to describe the salespeople she encountered in Paris.

  6. I’m not sure but I can’t believe how that woman treated you. That must have been a wonderful experience living in Paris.

  7. Cindi says:

    I used to work with a bunch of them.
    I’m so glad that I’m retired now!

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