In a comment on Still Looking for a Printer The Op Pack wrote:
That is very surprising. I love Canon printers. I have had 3 or 4 of them. The customer service is always outstanding. Maybe they could help figure out what is wrong. it is the only brand of printer I would get.
I tried phoning Canon Saturday but the robot lady had trouble understanding me when I told her the product name, so I kept trying. When she did recognize my model she told me tech support was closed, try again during business hours.
OK, that’s when I decided to ask for a replacement. But just for education I tried again today to see what they would say about the problems with the copying and the scanning. This time the robot remembered who I was, asked me if that was the product I was calling about, then sent me to another robot. This time it was a guy who said he didn’t see any account with that name, I had to register it first before they would talk to me.
I’ve now boxed it up and am off to ship it back. We’re curious to see if the replacement works any better. I sure hope it does. The thing I love about this machine is it’s light enough for me to carry.
August 15, 2022
hope the new one works well, the cost of the ink is the same as my HP, which is outlandish. i read all the good stuff and it sounds perfect
Yes, they make their money on the ink.
I’m a Canon fan also. In fact mine was acting up and I ordered a new one and before it arrived my old one started working again. So the new one is sitting in a closet. I decided to keep it. I wish you all the best.
It’s a good idea to have a spare. Andy and I each have one for our computers, so we have a backup if something happens to one of them.
I hate having to call customer service anywhere any more. I’ve made a couple of calls where it was so hard to navigate through the endless menus. I hate when they give you all the options and none of them match what you need.
I know. 🙁
I remember I was having initial problem with my printer and thought “maybe run it through something like maintenance screen” and bingo it started to work, I think it had something to do with original factory setting where maybe the care of getting the screen/print mechanism to work is like something you buy that has a very old battery in it…and basically it’s needs a “reboot” to set it on it’s way.
Of course, you’ve moving on and getting a replacement, fingers x-ed…
I’m glad you could fix your problem, that’s always such a relief.
I understand (industry’s) reasoning, ’employing’ these robots — but how incredibly frustrating! I wonder how many working folks with limited lunch breaks just throw up their hands and go, “never mind!”
Good luck!
Some robots work better than others. The ones that make you waste time giving information before they tell you they’re closed, phone back later, are not programmed very well. 🙂