That’s what my inbox looks like most nights. I’ve written before about my efforts to keep the emails down to a reasonable number, but suddenly I don’t have any trouble at all deciding which ones to toss and which to deal with… and to deal with the latter efficiently. I have no idea what happened, but I love it. It gives me a lot more time to play. Fingers crossed it continues.
September 22, 2022
My inbox is emptied most days. I love it! I hated it when it used to have so many emails in it waiting for me to decide what to do about them. My Dave has, I think, hundreds of emails and I don’t know how he can stand that.
I know! My inbox used to be a drag, now it’s one of my daily joys.
I deal with my in box three times a day and never have more than a dozen in at any one time. I routinely unsubscribe to everything that tries to send me stuff.
It’s a lot easier if one checks regularly.
Oh, my, I am not telling how many emails I have. And so glad to have some of them that are years and years old. Such as from my nephew…who passed away a few years ago. It is like visiting with him again when I re-read them. I miss him so much. (He was a month older than me and spent summers with us). I also have a few emails from one sister who passed a way back in 2013.
But I do start getting rid of emails every now and then and work and work getting rid of some.
I don’t throw all of them out… I have folders for the ones I want to save. It’s the best of both worlds.
gmail used to file the inwards properly into the 3 categories they have in place – sometimes I make a filter for things to file into a folder – but usually I try at least to check what’s in the inbox – read, ditch, file. But then I’ll find that something that should have gone to xyz sector is some place else…
That’s why I get behind with blogs. But also suddenly blogger stopped sending notification of posts so I’m way behind with them… apologies Sandra and Ann, I forget to look at “reader” page…
There’s a lot to keep track of!
Most people don’t email any more, they prefer to text but that hasn’t kept the numbers in my in box down. Of course most of the stuff I get is junk. I do try to keep it down on how many are in there.
The nice thing about junk is it’s easy to toss!
Email was a huge part of my life in my job before I retired, thousands it seemed and I had to keep up. That carried over into my home email and I read , answer delete. rare to have more than 10 at a time, and that is only something like a power bill or insurance bill, that sits there until I pay it online, then I delete it.
Anything i want to save, which is rare, like Rose mentioned emails from family , I print and put in a folder in the file cabinet. sometimes I email myself ideas for a post, and then after I create the post delete it. If not for my comments from blogs coming into email, I would only have bills and all that junk. Junk mail is deleted as it comes in, unsubscribed, blocked etc. yay for an empty email. I check mine several times a day. Ann is right about people not emailing. even bloggers there are only a few that will answer if I email them. I only have 4 people I text with, family memebers and I don’t do FB or Instagram. I like email becuase the whole world is not looking at what I say. FB the world sees it all
I much prefer email to FB or Instagram!
Like Sandra, sometimes I ‘e’ myself snippets I might want to include in a future post. The rest? I’m thinking an electronic version of the tickler file sitting in my bottom desk drawer. Sadly, those who still enjoy visiting via e-mail have just about fallen by the way.
I’ve always been a letter writer at heart, so I like email and blogs. I deal with blog ideas by creating quick draft posts with the relevant links. It helps a lot when I need to come up with something.
FYI, your post got me into my emails anyway….I got rid of a lot of things. I do need to put some in folders. And need to get rid of some folders I already have.
But thanks for the motivation to work on it more. You posted about it once before I got rid of a lot then. What I don’t understand about myself is why I don’t automatically delete a lot of them. I will do good with the promotions tab and the social tab for a long time, then I will let them go, too. But they never get terrible.
I’m just surprised that suddenly I want to do it. I have no idea why the change.