I Can Relate to That!


Do you ever talk to yourself? I do, all the time. Most of it is internal, but I find I smile and laugh more if I do it out loud, so I’m trying to do it more. It would be silly not to. What about you?

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18 Responses to I Can Relate to That!

  1. been at that kind of talking for as long as I could chat…it’s a way of making sure that if I have to talk to a real person, I don’t sound like I’ve got Laryngitis! or Lack of Voice Box…Well that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. I do talk “internally” as well…

  2. Ann Thompson says:

    Since I live alone, yes, I do talk to myself. Sometimes I direct it at Gibbs but he never contributes to the conversation.

  3. All the time … but I really need to change the tone of my narrative.

  4. Isn’t it normal to do that? Please tell me it’s normal. LoL

  5. MadSnapper says:

    I talk to myself a lot. out loud and internal. Bob talks to himself out loud non stop. I never know if he is talking to me or to himself. He also talks to the TV and over the TV and through the voices on the TV… sometimes i can tell he is talking his thoughts out loud, like when he says things like, take the lower track idiot!

  6. nick says:

    I’ve always talked to myself – some times internally, some times out loud if there’s nobody else around. I caught the habit from my father, who also talked to himself a lot.

  7. Ginny+Hartzler says:

    Yes I DO! Never did when I was young. Both Phil and I do. I also think as we get older, we need to encourage ourselves!

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