No Complaints Here

This was yesterday’s weather forecast:

I prefer it when the lows are above 20°F and the highs are 40 or above, but I still like the Wednesday-Friday forecast better than summer because I sleep more soundly. It also makes me happy to be inside where it’s cozy and warm. I’m glad I’m not like this snow leopard on Everest!

Which do you prefer, summer or winter?

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22 Responses to No Complaints Here

  1. Hootin Anni says:

    Need you ask?
    S U M M E R

  2. Rose says:

    I prefer summer but winter does have its positive points. I dont feel guilty that I am not working in the yard.

  3. My favorite season is spring. Don’t like hot or cold weather much except to look at out the window.

  4. Myra+G. says:

    Some of my happiest memories took place in Winter. ‘Hope it continues!

  5. MadSnapper says:

    I prefer winter over summer, but that is Florida Winter, not your winter. I like the lows beteen 58 to 60 and highs 70 to 72. that is our winter, no ac or heat needed most of the time. I have been sleeping better because we have lows at 69 and 70. I do not like cold, real cold.

  6. Linda Sand says:

    I prefer winter over summer because it is better to add clothes than to remove them. 🙂

  7. Ginny+Hartzler says:

    What a magnificent photo! Isn’t it amazing how God created living things with so much diversity to be able to live in different climates? Actually, I like Spring the best!

  8. Ann Thompson says:

    I’ll take summer over winter any time.

  9. I prefer Autumn – the humidity is going, and Winter hasn’t arrived – and the trees are wonderful…

  10. Rose says:

    In prefer fall! Though I must say I love having a nice warm home to come home to on cold days.

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