Another Cozy Day

When Andy left Monday morning he said he might come right back. He had strained a muscle in his left leg Sunday and wouldn’t put chains on if they were needed to drive in. Sure enough, he drove until they had stopped plowing and was back by lunchtime. I’m glad he was careful, and it was a peaceful, cozy day.

Yesterday was a different story for him, and I’ll talk about that tomorrow.

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14 Responses to Another Cozy Day

  1. wow – it’s been snowing.

    here it’s the tail end of a tropical pacific cyclone – and the Easterly wind has been ferocious today – I was downtown for a short time, there was a huge cruise ship in and I thought if it wasn’t tied up properly it could probably fly up the ridge and be on K’Rd. I couldn’t even walk properly so I was smartly out of the city and back to the West. The wind was still bad out here…this guy and myself watched some pigeons trying to walk straight across the laneway and they were drifting sideways – funny to look at…

  2. Hootin Anni says:

    And, once again (or still), we are in a drought.

    Hope he’s better today.

  3. Ginny+Hartzler says:

    Well, he did the right thing. But oh gosh, now I am wondering what happened yesterday. I hope he is alright!

  4. Crossing my fingers he (and you) are okay!

  5. The OP Pack says:

    We too hope Andy is doing better. Our snow is gone along with the frigid temps we had for Christmas But it is still cold and windy, not the best for walking the pups.

  6. MadSnapper says:

    oh no, a cliffhanger, hope he is fine today. we know about strained muscles here, and it can happen in a split second. waiting to hear the rest of the story. LOVE that tall tree in photo two.

  7. Ann Thompson says:

    Glad to hear that Andy did the sensible thing and didn’t push himself. Peaceful cozy days are always welcome

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