A Bit Behind This Month

Being a data collector, Andy has a number of temperature loggers at various places in the house, shed, battery house, greenhouse, and well house. They collect data for a month, then he downloads that data to his computer and resets the loggers. He usually does it on the first of the month, but this time the snow and car troubles interfered, so he didn’t finish until yesterday.

Here are some of his tracks to the out buildings.

And he is where he cleared the snow from the door to the well house.

Snow does slow things down.

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14 Responses to A Bit Behind This Month

  1. MadSnapper says:

    Slow Snow or Snow Slows! I like that, data collecting is at the bottom of my list of things I like to do.. its good he likes to do all that he does, keeps him going and heathy and gives him things to do. bob needs something to do but i can’t find anything he wants to do or will do

  2. Hootin Anni says:

    Andy likes to pull weeds maybe???!! We have plenty. What kinda data could he come up with for weeds? 😉

  3. Ann Thompson says:

    Andy sure does have a lot of things to keep him busy.

  4. Ginny+Hartzler says:

    Well. well, it seems you are both very well equipped to survive this kind of weather! You both remind me of pioneers!

  5. Catalyst says:

    For that reason among many is why I do not like snow!

  6. Not a job for the faint of heart! Tho’ truth be told, I’d love to be out there making snow angels.

  7. I get annoyed with constant rain! Which leads to slippery sidewalks and our driveway as I gingerly step slowly around on the part that doesn’t get much sun…SO no idea what I would do with SNOW!!!

    • Jean says:

      I don’t mind wet sidewalks but try to avoid walking on ice. That’s why I walk on my treadmill. We have to be careful. 🙂

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