When Andy left yesterday morning he said he would be back if the snow looked too bad. Sure enough, he went only as far as the Dome Road. They had plowed but the snow was still coming down and he didn’t want to take any chances. Good for him!
I started watching, from time to time, the webcam at the Valles Caldera that Kaitlin had told me about. Here are some pictures:

11:38 am

1:48 pm

2:53 pm

3:00 pm

3:31 pm
It doesn’t look as if it were clearing up, does it?
January 16, 2023
No it certainly looks set to keep on keeping on – I just looked at the Webcam and it’s after midnight – there is a green light on one side and a pinpoint of a distant light…otherwise black just like it should be!
It’s not dark here yet, as it’s summer time just on 8.25pm!
It’s fun to watch, isn’t it?
good call Andy! glad he came back home, it looks like it was getting worse and worse. pays to be safe. I forget about the cams, this one is great. reminds me of the first time my family saw icicles like these. born in the deep south, never saw icciles from a roof top, had seen a few 3 inch ones on the bird bath. the first ones we saw were about 5 feet long hanging from a water fall and then we woke up one morning and they were 3 foot long hanging from our roof line. we had moved to ky… mother grabbed her little brownie camera and those photos now live with my niece in my grandmothers hope chest. I wish i could see them again
I know, they’re exciting to see. I still remember when I was a kid living in California. An outside faucet had a slow drip and one morning it was so cold that a big icicle had formed from the faucet to the ground. It was unusual for it to get that cold so I still remember it. Neat memories. 🙂
Good for Andy turning around. No sense in taking needless chances.
That weather on the webcam doesn’t look so good.
Yes, it was the right decision. 🙂
I love that webcam! Beate was the one who told me about it. She also shared a live feed to the ski hill, so I can see snow falling!!!
Thank you for telling me about it. 🙂
Near white-out conditions … neat!
I’d no idea this webcam existed. Perhaps if Kaitlin reads this she can send me the link to the ski hill?
I sent it.
Andy did good! The trees look about to topple on these shots!
I’m not sure why they’re leaning.
We are so glad that Andy made that decision. He can always go back up another day when it is safer.
I’m glad he’s sensible. 🙂