
Andy didn’t go all the way up yesterday, he turned around because the road was plowed only to Graduation Flats. He’ll try again today.

His main concern is the tomatoes in the greenhouse. They’ve been thriving, and we were starting to get ripe ones, but this cold, gloomy weather may do them in.

I told him even if the plants don’t survive, if the tomatoes aren’t mushy bring them down. I’ve been ripening even completely green ones in a cardboard box with brown paper and unripe bananas. When they finally get red they taste fine.

As usual, we’ll have to see.

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16 Responses to Tomatoes?

  1. Hootin Anni says:

    Vine ripe tomatoes…in winter. What could be better? Fried green tomatoes!!

  2. MadSnapper says:

    so sorry they are in danger. It has been many years since I have eaten a fresh ripened on the vine tomato. I do love them. Glad to hear they will ripen in your box, great idea.

  3. Until recently, I wasn’t especially fond of tomatoes. Then, I tasted them ‘fried green’ and all that changed. Now I even enjoy them all ‘grown up’ (ripe)!

  4. Ginny+Hartzler says:

    I am guessing they will be fine, since they are hardy, and ARE in a proper greenhouse.

  5. Ann Thompson says:

    Wow, those plants are loaded. Hope they’re still ok.

  6. The OP Pack says:

    the tomatoes look good. We did that this summer with the tomatoes left on the plant that just never seemed to ripen. It took. a long time in a bag with bananas and apples, but it worked.

  7. Catalyst says:

    You could always have fried green tomatoes!

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