Snow Drifts

One thing we wanted to do when we went up to the land Friday was to see where the snow had accumulated,

and where it hadn’t.

If we can figure out why we’ll try to build a snow fence so we don’t get that huge drift on our driveway that causes no end of problems.

Wish us luck!

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18 Responses to Snow Drifts

  1. Hootin Anni says:

    I always wondered as a kid if those snow fences really work…do they?
    gorgeous weather after all…and the post from your previous write-up shows the great work of the bulldozer

  2. Ann Thompson says:

    I remember as a kid always seeing those snow fences go up every fall in preparation for winter. Now that I think of it, I haven’t seen any in a very long time.

  3. MadSnapper says:

    put your own personal engineer on that fence problem and we know he can figure it out… waiting to see what he comes up with to fix it

  4. Ginny+Hartzler says:

    Looks like it didn’t even touch the table and chairs!

  5. I’ve a strong suspicion Andy’s ingenuity will pay off with dividends!
    We’re staying tuned.

  6. Linda Sand says:

    What a fun? project! 🙂

  7. Diane Dahli says:

    Lots of challenges. But you and Andy have mastered so many, that I’m sure you will do fine with this!

  8. Catalyst says:

    Y’know if you just stay away from there until, oh, about August, you shouldn’t have a problem.

  9. Well I assume the master of “fixing things” will have already started researching the best materials and the way to bed it into the ground so it’s both stable and holds the snow at bay.

    no snow here, just a lot of water sodden ground with now more water falling intermittently from the sky…plus it’s got a bit breezy…

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