Weather Predictions

They predicted snow yesterday and they were right, we did get some. But last Thursday they predicted sunny all day, and this is what it looked like in the Valle in the morning.

9:02 am

9:26 am

9:57 am

It started clearing some before lunch so I took pictures from time to time to watch the clouds.

11:46 am

11:56 am

2:27 pm

There are a lot more pictures in this Flickr album.

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6 Responses to Weather Predictions

  1. Ann Thompson says:

    That doesn’t look like a very sunny day. I could feel the chill coming off the pictures…lol

  2. MadSnapper says:

    looks like a brrrr and no sun day to me. we were told that yesterday would have zero sun, on my iPhone app and 2 TV stations. the sun came up at a little after 7 and was up there all day. we re cold this am, 49 at wake up, yesterday was 61 at wake up. Valentine day is predicted all sunshine all day.. we shall see, it is only 6:33 here so can’t tell yet

  3. Some weatherman’s got egg on his face! Theirs is a job I don’t envy.

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