How Did They Know?

Valles Caldera webcam

Andy says last October the Farmers’ Almanac said February would be extra cold. How did they know?

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16 Responses to How Did They Know?

  1. Ann Thompson says:

    I don’t know if I take much stock in what the Farmers Almanac has to say. It predicted that winter here was going to be brutally cold with lots of snow. While we have had some really cold days, it wasn’t anything really out of the ordinary. We only had one big snowfall and again, nothing out of the ordinary.

  2. Diane Dahli says:

    Farmer’s Almanac is amazing, and it’s wonderful that it has this amazing skill. Just wish it wasn’t true that winter would be extra cold LOL!

  3. Ginny+Hartzler says:

    I have often wondered this. How do they know the weather when it is SO far away??

  4. Hootin Anni says:

    My father used to swear by it. He’d plant his crops accordingly.

  5. I almost bought my first Farmers’ Almanac this year, but decided to save the $ and listen to our favorite meteorologists.

  6. My husband loved the Farmer’s Almanac. He grew up on a farm back when all the farmers swore by it. The FA did study climate changes long before it became a Thing.

  7. interesting concept

    I wonder if that almanac could have predicted the diabolical summer we have been having – especially the North Island. And on talking to people, we are all on tenterhooks on “when the next one”

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