Still Learning to Steer My Ship

I’ll spare you the details, but I spent hours Thursday night and yesterday facing up to something I had been putting off because it was both complicated and tedious. A lot of that effort didn’t pay off in terms of results, but I did manage to keep focused, didn’t get frustrated, and, of course, learned a lot. That to me is always the main goal…it’s something I have control over and it’s skill worth working on. So the time wasn’t completely wasted.

Even though the end result wasn’t as good as I had hoped, it was good enough, and I’m glad the job is finished!

How have the past couple of days been for you?

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20 Responses to Still Learning to Steer My Ship

  1. I can’t imagine you any other way but focused until you achieve your goal.

    • Jean says:

      The important thing is I’m mostly patient and persistent and don’t get frustrated. For me that’s more important than the goal itself.

  2. Ginny Hartzler says:

    Sounds like you may have been doing your taxes!

  3. Diane Dahli says:

    Whewβ€”task completion! It’s always a great feeling.

  4. Linda Sand says:

    I can’t believe how much prep there is for cataract surgery and things you can’t do after surgery. I finally made a list so I won’t forget anything. Because I forgot to stop taking my vitamins when I should have done. I still don’t feel in control but it will all work out in the end since it always does. My first surgery is this coming Tuesday and the final appointment is May 3rd with one more task to do after that appointment. I sure hope this all pays off. I am determined to steer my ship!

  5. Catalyst says:

    Oh tediously pleasant.

  6. In short, a blur! I just saw where Linda’s prepping for her cataract surgery. Should’ve known, when the first went so smoothly I’d experience some after-effects after the second. (Normal, but unpleasant just the same.) It’s always something!

  7. MadSnapper says:

    I am sadly lacking in patience with most things, I have tons of it when PLAYING with techie things, until it comes to doing the hard stuff, the stuff I don’t want to do.. can’t wait to hear the results of what you did. my mother had patience with any and everything, she had no anger or frustration. Daddy was ME in male form, make that I am Daddy in female form..

  8. Ann Thompson says:

    I have a few things that I’ve been putting off. None of them are complicated but maybe tedious and definitely not things I enjoy.
    Good for you staying focused and getting something done.

  9. Way to go. I have so many projects and can’t get motivated to do anything.

  10. As you can see with my reply, some days later – my ship drifted off course…but suddenly I feel I need to put down my anchor and get reading the blogs I’m falling behind on.

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