This Fellow Only Thinks He’s Old

He’s clearly a youngster…this is the phone on our living room wall. Notice it doesn’t even have a push-button keypad.

We don’t have caller ID but we do have a answering machine attached to a modern speakerphone, and we let the answering machine screen our calls. In the old days we didn’t have to deal with robocalls, but I’m even happier now than I was then, so no complaints.

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13 Responses to This Fellow Only Thinks He’s Old

  1. Ann Thompson says:

    I haven’t had a land line in years but I do remember the days of having a phone on the wall. I’m pretty sure my kids knew exactly how long that cord was and how far I could stretch it…lol

  2. MadSnapper says:

    We had one just like yours, that rotary dial that took so long to wait for it to do the ddddoooo dooooood thing. I had the cord stretched out so it did not curl anymore. I am trying to remember when we got a pushbutton and can’t remember. back when it was like this, calling out of our area cost a bundle.

    • Jean says:

      Yes, long distance used to be so expensive! Now we talk to Kaitlin a couple of hours every Sunday evening. that’s in addition to keeping in touch via email.

  3. Ginny Hartzler says:

    We have an old fashioned wall phone, with push buttons. Our 14 year old granddaughter picked it up and asked what it was!!

  4. Linda Sand says:

    When I was a teenager, we had a phone like that next to our pantry. I would drag the receiver into the pantry as if it was a telephone booth for “private” conversations.

    Our previous apartment had an outlet on the wall for a phone like this. They don’t put those in new construction any more.

  5. Myra says:

    We were talking about that very thing over lunch! My mother had one identical to yours at her home in Florida … before it took a direct lightning hit that fried its innards. I don’t think anyone ever came to remove it and patch the wall; she just used the push-button on her bedroom table.

  6. there are strange fittings here on the walls in this flat and I can remember what kind of phone was attached. I do still have a landline but it’s bundled with my Internet package. I prefer at times to use my landline as I have a lot of trouble not “cutting people off with my mobile” and I find it “easier to hold”. I now have a fibre connection which is so different…

    Frankly I don’t know the ins and outs and as long as it all works I’m all good…

    • Jean says:

      We use only our landline for phone calls. And that means we can have our answering machine screen out the robocalls.

  7. We had one just like that and it was yellow.

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