Why Blog?

I’ve been blogging since May, 2007. For the first six or so years I posted twice a week, then ten years ago, August 13, 2013, I switched to every day. Exploring ideas has always been an important part of my life, and I learned long ago that when I wrote in my journals I felt centered, energized and connected. I was never lonely even then. It’s even more so now that the internet has expanded my access to information and to connecting with other people.

In How to feel less lonely as you get older, the author writes,

Do you, too, feel a sense of being less connected than you were before? Perhaps you wake up some mornings wondering what to do with your day, feeling unmotivated to go out into the world.

No. I may not leave the apartment much, and I often don’t even post that much, but that connection is always there and I’m always thinking of ways of sharing the things that I care about with other people. There’s a lot of grim things happening in the world right now, but my own life has never been richer and happier.

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18 Responses to Why Blog?

  1. agree

    Although my blogging has changed

    I do leave the flat and go out and about, but I come home to “home alone” – it’s been a long time since I’ve had an indepth realtime chat. Most of my out chats are either about the activity I’m doing, the people I’m with (of whom I know little about their daily other life), or random people here and there.

    today Sunday, home and there has been no one to chat with…

    although that doesn’t bother me…as I’ve been busy with my “art paper” – 2 boxes of projects,, that now will not be done (moved on) so they are deconstructed.

  2. MadSnapper says:

    I blog and have daily since 2009, and I agree, blogging gives me a reason to research, to learn new things. The writing gives my mind things to think about other than what bad things are going on. Most of all I love the contact with others. I like to see what, when, why, where and how they are living their lives. I travel through their lives, places i will never see. I love their dogs and cats and feel their feelings.
    I like to read their comments in my email and enjoy a relationship with several through daily emails. Today I forgot to do a post, thought I had. When I pulled up email with my coffee there were zero emails because i did not post.
    It is not for everyone, but for me it has been a life saver. Sometimes I will say I am taking 2 days off, it is all I can do to make myself do that. I miss blogging if I don’t do it.

  3. Linda Sand says:

    I blogged daily when we were living in a motorhome traveling around the USA. Now that we are parked again, I don’t have much to say. I try to blog at least once month so readers know I’m still alive. I miss Tammy.

  4. Very glad that your life is rich and happy. That’s a wonderful thing to blog about as well. Cheers and happy weekend. Ivy.

  5. Myra Guca says:

    Despite not blogging more than a few times each week, this is my happy place. Since retiring I no longer feel it necessary to portray an airbrushed version of myself.
    Best of all, the friendships that have developed and delight. Never could I ever have imagined! I couldn’t disagree more with that author’s point of view.

  6. I like the connections I have through blogging and on Facebook. I think at my age it is good for me. Honestly I would be lost without these friendships.

  7. When I started blogging back in 2002 I blogged every day, then I went to three times a week to two times a week and just a few months ago I’m down to once a week. I don’t think I could ever give it up because it’s my connection to the world and a creative outlet. I can say and share things in my blog that I’d never share with neighbors and causal friends—even close friends don’t know half the stuff I share…and probably don’t care. LOL

  8. The OP Pack says:

    We love your positive attitude! Happy Sunday!!!

  9. Ann Thompson says:

    Blogging has been a wonderful experience for me. My blog has changed over the years and for a while was a form of therapy. It keeps me thinking of positive things in my life. Then there is the connection to all of the wonderful bloggers I’ve made. It’s amazing to me that I can feel so close to people I have never met in person.

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