A Big Help

With any luck Orlando and Dave will be up today to drill some lined holes for our removable snow fence. Kaitlin and Torben helped put the stakes in temporarily to show where the holes should go.

Torben also painted our old eyesore greenhouse remains so it isn’t nearly as conspicous now.

Saturday afternoon:

Yesterday afternoon:

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14 Responses to A Big Help

  1. here’s hoping the snow defence fence helps Andy this winter…

    and having help to get it all together (way) is great

  2. Ann Thompson says:

    How nice to have all that help with those things. Painting did make that old greenhouse wall blend in better.

  3. MadSnapper says:

    yay for helpers that work for free. fantastic idea to have the snow fence and I like the idea of remove it when not needed.

  4. Whew, what a project(s). All the better accomplished with those you trust — and cherish!

    PS – That sky!

  5. How nice to accomplish things that need to be done.

  6. Ginny Hartzler says:

    You are getting a lot of outside work done before winter hits!

  7. Bruce Taylor says:

    Painting that huge old greenhouse looks like quite a job, even with a spray paint gun. You are fortunate to have Torben and Kaitlin to do the heavy work. The old warrior looks to be in charge though!

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