Snow Fence

Yesterday was busy building the snow fence.

I took a gazillion pictures, see this Flickr album.

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12 Responses to Snow Fence

  1. and Orlando and Dave indeed have come by – I’ve noted the supervisors keenly at the fence but unable to roam far with their “install lines” 🙂

  2. MadSnapper says:

    Looks to me like the Canine Inspectors were ON THE JOB.. i did look at every one of the gazillion photos, which is what i would have if i were there. i love the close up views of the big machinery. that drill is scary up close. can’t wait to see how the fence works out

  3. Looks like those posts will be in permanently?

  4. Chuckling at your grandpups’ attention!
    That ‘cat’ is sure an intriguing piece of equipment. (Yes, I’d love the opportunity to take it for a drive, LOL.) Now I’m curious just how long the snow fence extends.

  5. Ginny Hartzler says:

    You did take a LOT! So, have you not had one before, or is this not permanent?

    • Jean says:

      Andy’s trying this to see if we can avoid the big drift on the road that caused so much trouble last winter. There’s no guarantee it will work but if we get a lot of blowing snow it will be interesting to see what happens.

  6. Ann Thompson says:

    That looks like a lot of work but will be well worth the effort when the snow comes.

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