I Agree With That

Really skillful people never get out of time, and are always deliberate, and never appear busy.
—Miyamoto Musashi

I agree with that. The best way to solve problems and develop skills is to be patient and persistent. To avoid rushing towards a goal and getting frustrated when things don’t go as fast as one would like. Or when problems come up, to be upset that one has to deal with them. Learning to have an alert mind, in a body as relaxed as we can make it, is one of the most important life skills we can learn.

What do you think?

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12 Responses to I Agree With That

  1. Catherine says:

    Depends what the problem is.

    Yesterday with packing for my trip…tripped me up. Then later it was the disappearing locks!

    I’m now here in Hamilton with a lot less than I thought I was taking away!

  2. MadSnapper says:

    if this is true, i have no skills, this describes me as i have been my entire life. There is no way for a person like me to become patient and persistent. so no, i don’t agree with it. I do agree that patient and persisten is good, just that we can’t make ourselves what we are not

    • Jean says:

      We’re all wired differently so one size doesn’t fit all. I’ve been interested in personal growth since I was a kid, so for me it’s been a great hobby.

  3. Patience and persistence can be very elusive but they certainly are worthwhile pursuits, always!

  4. Myra Guca says:

    I’m nodding at Sandra’s comment — realizing how unrealistic these traits apply to me. While I’ve learned a good deal of patience, I’m pretty sure I’d flunk any attempts at Zen-like behavior.

  5. Ginny Hartzler says:

    I agree! Though it can be hard for our emotions to not get in the way at times.

  6. Ann Thompson says:

    I don’t know if I would totally agree because I think even in the beginning when learning something we can all get flustered. After some experience one becomes more relaxed about what they are doing. At least that’s how it works for me.

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