Tom and Jerry

My sister and I loved Tom and Jerry and other cartoons when we were kids. What about you?

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18 Responses to Tom and Jerry

  1. MadSnapper says:

    I loved Tom and Jerry, but it was comic books. we did not have a tv until i was 16 in 1960, I did see them at the movies, back when there were always cartoons before each movie on Saturday mornings, my brother loved the Roadrunner best.

  2. Myra Guca says:

    Yes! Tom and Jerry was practically appointment television. I also liked Felix the Cat and Little Lulu … and will sometimes sing one or the other’s theme song to our girls. (Yep, I’m not always right in the head, lol.)

  3. Yes, they were fun to watch. I love that photo….too cute!

  4. AE says:

    Saturday cartoons, yes! My parents were so restrictive about what and how long we were permitted to watch that I felt the pleasure of transgressing the rules as much as I could, as well as the pleasure of the cartoons themselves.

  5. Linda Sand says:

    I remember comic books but not TV comics. I also remember comics at the Saturday morning movies. Recently, there was a TV series with the Archie characters but they weren’t comics and they weren’t funny.

  6. Ann Thompson says:

    Oh yes, Tom and Jerry was a regular favorite.

  7. Bruce Taylor says:

    Oh yes. And Roadrunner. And Bugs Bunny. And many more. That’s a wonderful photograph. I wonder how they got all those kittens to sit staring at it.

  8. Bruce Taylor says:

    At the tv screen, I mean.

  9. Oh yea, I loved Tom and Jerry…and Mighty Mouse too!

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