These Warm My Heart and Bring Tears to My Eyes


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18 Responses to These Warm My Heart and Bring Tears to My Eyes

  1. MadSnapper says:

    I love both of these, thanks so much for the postive side. we need this

  2. Those are sweet and appreciative girls! The second one made me choke up.

  3. Myra Guca says:

    What incredible daughters!
    These acts of love — given from the heart — defy words.

  4. Those are so sweet, love from the heart.

  5. Bruce Taylor says:

    I shucks. I meant to send a heart but forgot that your system doesn’t concur with my system. Anyway: Love.

  6. So beautiful and precious. I love these.

  7. tikno says:

    Such a strong impression that touched my heart.

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