A comment to this cartoon said,
In the northeastern part of North America (the Atlantic Provinces, to be specific), we bring out the Winter clothing in late September (or early October). Sure, we get the occasional nice day, but chances of that are not the best.
That sounds like the weather we had when we lived in Ithaca, in upstate New York. Winter started about the end of October and lasted until at least April. we had about six sunny days during that time. Then we quickly moved into the hot muggy summers, so almost no spring.
Here we get a lot more sunshine and before global weirding the snow would usually melt the next day. This February the days have almost all been above freezing during the day. What about where you are?
February 22, 2023
To hear Tom, you’d think we’re approaching another Ice Age. At least the Great Flood revisited. But naw, our weather’s making an abrupt change, flirting with the mid-70’s. I’m a little sad not being able to wear my winter duds much longer.
I’m sorry to see winter go too. 🙂
Drought in Minnesota in winter this year looks like brown grass instead of a white blanket. I can’t get used to no significant snow–just an occasional flurry. I think the snow plows have only been here twice this year. Normally we get plenty of snow in December, January, and February then we get as much snow in March as those three previous months combined. Global weirding indeed!
Wow! That’s quite a change.
This cartoon is so ME! Here. Our weather changes so fast! It will be almost 70 in the day, and 20 at night!
That’s a big drop!
Hopefully our Spring is just around the corner, at least temperature wise!
Fingers crossed for you. 🙂
Very little snow this year so far but it’s only February.
Please let us know how it goes.
last summer NZ suffered big time with much wet stuff – floods and cyclones
this year – it’s been summer all the way – with a few days of rain here and there. but in fact it was summer temps through almost 24 hours which wasn’t pleasant.
now it’s cooler especially at time, and I don’t need the fan
I’m happy that it has cooled off some for you. I don’t do well in heat.
i just saw a man paddling a canoe in a lake in the middle of death valley where there has never been a lake before. strange things are happening. we are also doing the up and down up and down but it doesn’t matter because our up and our down is not bad at all. i did not much care for the 48 hours of drizzling rain while it was happeing but it did leave us 2 inches of badly need water.
That’s a long rain! And I’ve read about Death Valley too. That’s amazing.
I was just thinking the other day about how on my days off I do more sleeping during this cold weather.
Here is about what you had in Ithaca.
I don’t miss that weather!