Kaitlin’s Pussy Willow…

thinks it’s Spring!

Andy had to plow the drift:

But then he could drive up in the Jeep.

He took this picture to show how the snow melts on the south-facing slopes first. We can tell which direction is North and which is South.

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14 Responses to Kaitlin’s Pussy Willow…

  1. wow

    and yep, it’s gonna to be spring sometime soon in your part of the world

  2. Myra Guca says:

    That first image of the pussywillow against the snow is riveting! Optimistic little buds, aren’t they?

  3. Ginny Hartzler says:

    The last shot of the mountains is gorgeous! Pussy willows are so sweet, and you rarely see them anymore.

  4. Those pussywillows have got to be a bit confused!

  5. MadSnapper says:

    love the pussy willow and have never seen one. the view is spectacular no matter if there is snow, or dirt or any time at all. a lovely mountain top retreat

  6. Ann Thompson says:

    I’ve always liked pussy willows. It sure is pretty there but it looks pretty cold still

  7. The OP Pack says:

    I was always fascinated by pussy willows when I was a child. We would cut them and bring them to school to put in a vase near one of the statues in our classroom.

    I also remember when my niece was very young and had to go to the ER because she stuffed of few of the furry buds up her nose:(

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