More About the Backup Camera

This is an Amazon photo about one of the two new camera covers we bought. We don’t care whether or not it gives the Jeep more personality, but the picture does show how the camera, mounted on the back of the car, protrudes from the hole in the spare tire wheel.

Here’s a picture of the camera on our Jeep without a cover:

The two covers looked very similar, and one of them had an alan wrench with the T-40 Torx bit we need.



I installed one of them:

And put the other one and the alan wrench in the glove compartment.

Then to show what the camera shows in the daylight, I asked Andy to come down, put the Jeep in reverse (with his foot on the brake), and take a video of the screen with my iPhone. I tried to make a YouTube video of it, but it was short and YouTube made it repeat in an endless loop. So here are two frames:

Every time we turn around there are new things we don’t understand. It keeps our little grey cells and our sense of humor working.

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14 Responses to More About the Backup Camera

  1. designers keep coming up with supposedly better ideas – enjoy the educational journey

  2. MadSnapper says:

    you look so cute and like you are having a blast with preparing to show us this new fangled thing. I think I would have a hard time backing up looking at a screen but I do see how it could keep us from backing over something in the rear view.

  3. Myra Guca says:

    I LOVE this photo of your smiling face! Oh the caption possibilities in song: “Hit me with your best shot!” (not!) ….or better, “Girls just wanna have fun!”

    I’m cracking up at Amazon’s, “more personality.” Have to admit, a vehicle having personality never occurred to me.

    • Jean says:

      I know, who is going to notice whether the camera has a cover or not? I’m sure Andy thinks the picture of me is silly, but it seemed appropriate. 😀

  4. Rose says:

    I wonder if anyone would notice what it looks like with or without? At least it give you something to think about.

    • Jean says:

      I find it hard to believe that anyone would notice, but the picture does show what the camera looks like with and without the cover.

  5. Ann Thompson says:

    The amount of new technology that has been invented in my life time is astounding.

  6. Ginny Hartzler says:

    I love this last shot! So, do you have to put the cover on whenever you get out of the car? I don’t think ours even has a cover.

    • Jean says:

      No, the cover is supposed to protect the camera from dirt, mud, etc. It stays on all the time unless you need the spare tire, then you have to take it off to remove the tire.

  7. That sure seems to work pretty good. Smile, you’re on Candid Tires!

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